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Críticas (2 582)


Monster Hunter (2020) 

inglês I'm satisfied. I got what the trailer promised. An hour and a half long epic battle between Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa and monsters. There is action from start to finish, the visuals are awesome, the soundtrack is intense, the monsters look great (quite possibly the best dragon on screen ever), and there are two badass scenes (the spiders!). I didn't miss a more interesting story that would have slowed down the pace. Dramas come out ten a week, but such an epic monster slaughter comes out only once a year and I definitely find this more enjoyable to watch than self-absorbed arthouse crap. Maybe switching the desert location for a jungle wouldn't have been a bad idea, but otherwise I really don't know what else an adaptation of a game that's about nothing but action and monsters has to offer; the film certainly doesn't disappoint in that regard, and to only have 12 percent more than the ultra cheap shit Sharknado is absolutely laughable. Anyone who likes monsters, action and likes to have fun at the movies can't be disappointed. Story**, Action****, Humor** Violence**, Funniness****, Music****, Visuals*****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 7.5/10.


MINDHUNTER (2017) (série) 

inglês After a long time of procrastination, I finally got into Mindhunter and finished both seasons in a couple of days. Season 1 honestly didn't blow me away that much, it took me a while to get used to the slow pacing, the lack of violence and the action definitely frustrated me, but the closer it got to the end the more the series gradually won me over. The finale of the 1st season is very intense and made me want to watch the second season immediately, and I finished that one in one day. The interviews with the serial killers are definitely disturbing and some of the best the series has to offer. I was downright blown away when the storyline moved to Atlanta halfway through season 2, during the hunt for the killer of 25 children, where the police had almost no evidence. That's where David Fincher was at his strongest, in a stiffing and uncompromising atmosphere. Both FBI actors are excellent and Anna Torv downright annoyed me how unlikeable and cold she was. The disturbing music is also excellent. The series is definitely memorable and it's a shame there won't be another season. Story*****, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence*, Funniness*****, Music*****, Visuals*****, Atmosphere*****, Suspense*****. 9/10.


Controller (2013) 

inglês A beautifully shot martial arts action flick with sci-fi elements. Amazing action, solid styling and an interesting idea, all while being a love story. Just my taste. 8/10.


Over kanten (2012) 

inglês A decent psychological thriller from Denmark! Little known, intimate, atmospheric and quite decently crazy at the end. The story focuses on a couple in love who buy a secluded house in the countryside, but soon discover that the house is falling down and repairs aren't exactly cheap. When a local craftsman comes in to help, the couple welcomes him, but the main character soon gets the feeling that this craftsman wants to sabotage their relationship, and he even becomes suspicious of a local murder. The protagonist becomes paranoid and hallucinates. The couple are likeable, Freja in particular is a very beautiful woman, and the final half hour takes unexpected turns. I enjoyed it, the atmosphere is unsettling and the finale offers an interesting denouement. Older but little known and fans of Nordic cinema should give it a chance. Story****, Action>No, Humour>No, Violence**, Funniness****, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 7/10.


Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge (2020) 

inglês Really awesome and a nostalgic blast! Before we get the movie version of Mortal KombatI definitely recommend this one. If you can get past the fact that it's animated, you're in for some bloated, hyped up, non-stop action mayhem that doesn't really mess with anything. Blood spurting slowly from the screen, heads, limbs, intestines flying in all directions, people dismembered in so many ways you can't even imagine. It's one long fun action ride that honestly took my breath away. I also praise the choreography of the fights, which are intense enough, the music, and the humour, with Johnny Cage drops one wisecrack after another. Better than both Mortal Kombat films without a doubt. There are orgasms to be had here, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like animation much. This is a blast, with more gore than all the slashers in the last five years! Story****, Action*****, Humor****, Violence*****, Fun*****, Music*****, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 9/10.


Judas e o Messias Negro (2021) 

inglês A decent film about the Black Panthers. It almost has a gangster-drama feel to it, and two great young actors from Get Out. Both Lakeith Stanfield and Daniel Kaluuya are for me the best and coolest young representatives of African-American actors. There is also some intense action, but story-wise I expected more intensity. In the second half I slightly lost interest in the film, which is a pity. Overall good, pulled along by the actors and the capable direction, but it drags in places. Story****, Action***, Humor>No, Violence**, Fun***, Music***, Visual****, Atmosphere***, Suspense***. 6.5/10.


Funhouse (2019) 

inglês A Swedish-Canadian variation on Saw. Eight former celebrities are invited to an online show (something like Big Brother) where people vote on who should drop out. Whoever gets the least votes will have to fight for their lives in a random task. If you like movies about a group of confined people fighting for their lives, you definitely won't waste your time with this one. There are pretty girls (the prettiest one even shows her tits), and even if the dialogues are sometimes silly and it loses the pace a bit, the duels and the quests are awesome. First of all, they are quite innovative, but most importantly they have more than solid gore – the acid and the body ripping ropes are definitely a highlight. I had fun, if the finale had been a bit more intense I would have gone for 4 stars. Story***, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence****, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Suspense***. 6.5/10.


Willy's Wonderland (2021) 

inglês Nicolas Cage's agent tells him: I have a movie for you. The script reads: you won't have to talk at all, you'll drink energy drinks, play pinball and rip the spines and heads off robot puppets like a Predator, you up? I’m in! An extremely controversial flick for a fringe audience, but those who are open to new possibilities, not conservative, and welcome something new to the genre at last may be surprised. The film is reminiscent of Five Nights at Freddy's, except lacking in jump-scares, but otherwise it's a fairly substantial splatter that spurts black blood-oil for most of its running time. Nicolas Cage has really found his feet in horror films and I believe a nod to a modern day Bruce Campbell is within his grasp! The fact that he doesn't speak is interesting and his facial expressions and gaze are perfectly adequate. The visuals are old-school, like from the 90s, the animatronics are cool, the music is a big draw this time, the gore is great, the teenagers are cool (can't get enough of the two girls), and there were some laughs (Cage's dancing is great). Abroad, either 10/10 or 1/10 reviews are flying around. For some people it's rubbish, for others it's a fun flick. I enjoyed it. Only at your own risk. The film is still misunderstood here, abroad satisfaction prevails. Story***, Action***, Humour***, Violence****, Fun****, Music*****, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Suspense***. 7/10.


Katedra (2002) 

inglês A CGI visual mayhem in a beautiful stunning gothic cathedral! A seven-minute orgy with a deep idea and an interesting denouement. Very engaging. 8/10.