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  • Drama
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Atores favoritos (7)

Freddie Boath

He was absolutely great in the movie The Mummy returns 2001.

Byl naprosto super ve filmu Mumie se vraci.

Alois Grec

Ve filmu Po strništi bos byl skvělý. Doporučuji chlapce obsadit hned do dalšího filmu a Aloisovi doporučuji castingy v zahraničí.

He was great in the movie Barefoot. I recomend to cast the boy to another movie ASAP and to Alois i guggest to try castings in abroad.

Tom Taylor

Byl super ve filmu Dark Tower.

He was great in the movie The Dark Tower 2017

Joseph Cross

In the movie Jack Frost he was absolutely great.

Ve filmu Jack Frost byl naprosto skvělý.

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