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Críticas (983)


Honeydew (2020) 

inglês A second-rate atmospheric affair for connoisseurs, but although I was strongly hoping to be counted among the fans, unfortunately it ended up being a weak film. Honeydew is just a B-movie with unknown creators and actors, but with one pretty creepy ugly grandma. After an interesting opening, the film loses its breath and you lose interest because nothing happens for 100 minutes and the plot doesn’t move forward. Yes there is a dense atmosphere, yes there is some damn bizarre music (maybe the most WTF in a long time, and very interesting), but the story or anything else that makes a film a film is completely missing. Being an atmospheric oddity doesn't automatically make a film a success though, and there are plenty of similar flicks about wacky redneck psychopaths, so I have no choice but to wave my hand over Honeydew and move on, because this was a misstep for me with no point. If I had to say what could be the main intention of the filmmakers in this movie, I would say without joking that I really don't know, because they probably don't know either...


Without Remorse (2021) 

inglês The anticipated hit is just a better average and although I was expecting more carnage, it's still a decent action flick. There's nothing actually wrong with the film, but at the same time there's nothing special about it that elevates it above "just" a likable action flick. There's action (fortunately, especially in the second half, there's plenty of it, so the film doesn't get boring), a story here and there, a corrupt government, some American jingoism – well, the classic genre template that doesn't really bring anything new. Michael B. Jordan is fortunately a likable guy who fits the main role perfectly, and another plus is the quite believable and realistic action, as well as the rest of the details in the film. All in all, an inoffensive revenge/spy actioner that might be worth watching, but I wouldn't have it again.


Os Mitchell Contra as Máquinas (2021) 

inglês I have a problem with the second half of animated films in general, where the euphoria and excitement of a new fairy tale fades away and it just sort of "sticks" to the end, and it was the same here, but it's definitely one of the best to have come out in recent years. From the very beginning the film is catchy and good, because the idea of a family against aliens hasn't been around for a long time, there’s one wisecrack after another, memes and modern-day technological jokes that are nicely interspersed and the visuals, which are comic book-like, are a delight. The characters are fun, I often laughed really heartily, and even though it's still "just a fairy tale" at its core, I actually quite enjoyed it as an adult viewer and laughed more than enough. The highlight for me is the scene in the mall with a battle of family vs fridges, drink machines, toasters, robot vacuum cleaners and animated tamagotchi plushies escalates nicely and when the character of the father as a scout/chef/battle tactician is fully revealed :D. The result is a decent over-the-top entertainment for both kids and adults. Satisfaction.