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Críticas (3 462)


The Babysitter: Rainha da Morte (2020) 

inglês The sequel to The Babysitter lacks any logic but it was probably necessary to play a little with the screenplay so that the second movie would make at least some sense. But again, it is a lot of fun even though the firmly set pattern repeats itself. Even the director realized that this kind of movie requires more musical numbers than it had in the first movie. But it is a pity that before there is at least some action, the movie is really boring. But it is still sufficient as a chill-out movie. Nevertheless, compared to the first movie it is just half way there.


Bora Lá (2020) 

inglês During the time I was reading different articles and discussions about modified Oscar terms I played this animated movie Onward to rest a bit from all this gender inequality. But the modern approach to a fairy tale about modern elves living in our world didn’t interest me. Moreover I was slightly shocked by the lesbian police woman and black scorpion like monster combined with bear. The Oscars are opening the issue of transgender now but Pixar already focused on it in the beginning of 2020. In the end we get a good fairy tale that has almost 80% rating at this site so who really cares?


Arthurs Gesetz (2018) (série) 

inglês An exemplary German answer to legendary Fargo. Same crazy characters, same crazy premise, it is really similar but still somewhat peculiar in its own way. It might be because the German countryside setting is still closer to us Czechs than the American one. The quality is of course similar and I had to binge watch all those 6 episodes. There was no other way.


A Babá (2017) 

inglês Hats off. McG created an enjoyable horror comedy which made me feel the same way I felt when I watched Shaun of the Dead many years ago. It had great atmosphere, awesome cuts but it still wasn’t enough for 5 stars. There is not enough music for my taste. It is stylish only at the end when there is Queen playing in the background. It would be a lot better if there was more music in it. On the other hand the premise is brilliant and I have to say that Samara Weaving is great at picking her roles. This really is a movie crazy trip that makes fun of every slasher with great zeal.


Mundos Paralelos (2019) (série) 

inglês The premise is surely better adopted than the already 13 years old Golden Compass movie. Even though it wasn’t as bad either. Nevertheless the premise was better spread in the episodes of this series. Moreover the makers created a great atmosphere as well, and therefore you should expect a premise that might come across as childish but it is mysterious beyond the existence of this planet. 8 episodes went by and I was enjoying it. This really is a great young adult fantasy series. And the opening song was fantastic!


Avenue 5 (2020) (série) 

inglês Well, I have to say that Avenue 5 isn’t as bad as it seems. Quite the opposite. Hugh Laurie nicely delivers some nicely dry British humor and Josh Gad on the other hand points at American stupidity. These two kinds of humor are combined here and create what we could on one hand call simple entertainment but on the other, it has some slight Red Dwarf vibes. But don’t worry, I mean really slight – so no one would crucify me for this comparison. Nevertheless I have to say that user cinefob was right as well. I really was surprised in a good way. I’ve missed similar kind of series lately.


An American Pickle (2020) 

inglês The premise is unbelievably bizarre but it’s a nice chill-out comedy for these COVID-19 times. You will rest while watching it, enjoy it and Seth Rogen even adds a few Jewish jokes which are not hard to get, all the while an enjoyable soundtrack is playing at the background as if from some Pesach celebration.


Away (2020) (série) 

inglês I had no idea that such a great premise about colonization of Mars can be screwed up so royally. Just sending a group of people that have more unresolved issues than nice moments of smooth cooperation into space is more than extreme. Moreover, to prolong the series, creators made main characters experience flashbacks, which didn’t help the series at all. It results in a notion that if it were monkeys that were sent into space the outcome would be better. I didn’t enjoy watching it at all, the only really nice moment of the whole 10 episode long series is the end of the last episode.


Um Dia de Chuva em Nova Iorque (2019) 

inglês It is evident that Woody Allen is still in the game. He creates great dialogues that make sense. Moreover he is still able to get solid actors who are evidently showing themselves off in this movie. For example Elle Fanning who portrays a naive little girl here. It is all highly artsy and otherworldly. When you watch it for the first time it is quite overwhelming to the senses but after a few weeks you won’t even know you have watched it at all.


Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague (2017) (concerto) 

inglês Hans Zimmer elevated the word concert to a new level. An hour of brilliant tunes, absolute enjoyment and vivacious concert where everyone is having fun and rejoices, which makes you enjoy it as well.