Hussein Salameh Al-Sweilhiyeen

Hussein Salameh Al-Sweilhiyeen


Hussein Salameh was born a natural athlete and showman. From early childhood he trained to race camels and has been successful in many long and short distance races held every year in the southern Jordanian deserts. His family also knows how to breed thoroughbred racing camels, and Hussein has been part of producing some of the most elegant thoroughbreds in the community. He was cast as Theeb's elder brother because the director saw his brotherly relationship with Jacir (his actual cousin) in real life and felt it was perfect for the film. This combined with his natural athleticism and grace made Hussein the ideal candidate to take on the role of the princely son of a Bedouin Sheikh. Insecure at first, Hussein gradually grew into a powerful actor with great timing. He acted in two more films since finishing THEEB. He splits his time between acting and working as a tour guide in the Wadi Rum Desert of Jordan.

Film Movement



O Lobo do Deserto