Benjamin Barfoot

Benjamin Barfoot

nasc. 1978
Torbay, Devon, England, Reino Unido


Benjamin Barfoot is a self-taught filmmaker who hails from Devon. Filmmaking is in his family – his grandfather Peter Draper worked as a screenwriter with Oliver Reed and Orson Welles. Beginning at age ten Barfoot shot 8 mm animated movies and music videos, a background that set him up for later cooperation with television stations BBC and MTV, where he took on a variety of film jobs: editor, cameraman, and visual effects compositor.

He has made short movies in his free time, the second of which (the sci-fi thriller Fuse, made using rotoscoping) screened at the Raindance fest; more recently he's focused on viral comedies. The experience he gained led the way to his feature debut Double Date.

MFF Karlovy Vary



Double Date



Double Date