Alaa Chouchnieh

Alaa Chouchnieh

nasc. 17/09/1979 (45 anos)
Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos


Born on September 17, 1979, in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Alaa grew up in Yemen until he moved to Beirut during the Yemeni war of 1990. He holds dual Palestinian/Lebanese nationality. In Lebanon, he repeated his classes at the UNRWA school until the 4th grade when his parents removed him due to their restricted economic situation.

He was involved with a political party in which he worked in personal protection until he was sold out by its commanders, arrested and imprisoned for five years. “I have more arrest warrants than a tree has leaves,’’ he told Capharnaüm’s casting director when they met in 2016. In 2018, Alaa opened a food and beverage kiosk in Ard Jalloul, Beirut.

Wild Bunch Distribution


