
The story taken from real life takes plce in October 1956, its protagonist is the football fan Béla Hackspacher, the Stakhanovist model-worker, forklift driver, father of two children, who, with a lottery form filled in at the last moment, hits the jackpot. The prize amounts to more than 100 years of the salary he earns. On 23 October he is solemnly handed over the money, but he can't get it to the bank, because the revolution breaks out. His running amok starts due to the big money he has on him. His brother-in-law is shot dead and his family leaves him to himself. He falls in love with his subtenant Rózsika. He invites the whole house to the neighbouring pub, where they keep revelling. The next day a Russian tank blasts the pub and Rózsika away. Fallen into apathy after the revolution, Béla is first condemned and then permitted to go back to the factory as a forklift driver. (Budapest Film)

