
The movie deals with the championship-winning German soccer team of 1954. Its story is linked with two others: The family of a young boy is split due to the events in World War II, and the father returns from Russia after eleven years. His problems in getting back to normal life are shown, with references to his children and wife. The second story is about a reporter and his wife reporting from the tournament. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


Bandas sonoras

The Miracle of Bern

The Miracle of Bern

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Lançada por: Edition Tunesformovies

Ano: 2019

País: Alemanha

Formato: digital

Duração: 01:10:07

1. The Miracle Of Bern (Main Theme) Marcel Barsotti 02:19
2. Training Marcel Barsotti 02:47
3. Ackermann Rhumba Marcel Barsotti 02:02
4. Homecoming Marcel Barsotti 01:28
5. So Long Old Fart Marcel Barsotti 01:11
6. Heroes Anthem Marcel Barsotti 01:37
7. The Spirit Of Spiez Marcel Barsotti 01:18
8. Heroes Like Us Marcel Barsotti 02:22
9. "American Boogie" - Marty And His Rockin' Comets 02:42
10. Fritz Walter Weather Marcel Barsotti 01:35
11. Tip Top Marcel Barsotti 02:01
12. Mary Full Of Grace Marcel Barsotti 02:09
13. Rabbit With Gravy Marcel Barsotti 01:36
14. Atze And Blacky Marcel Barsotti 01:48
15. Pants Down Marcel Barsotti 01:10
16. "Small Bar By Lake Thun" - Achim Kück 03:34
17. German Boys Don't Cry Marcel Barsotti 02:01
18. Overhead Kick Marcel Barsotti 01:17
19. No Return Home Marcel Barsotti 01:50
20. The Boss Marcel Barsotti 01:38
21. It Will Surely Get Better Marcel Barsotti 02:01
22. Journey To Bern Marcel Barsotti 01:56
23. Undefeated Hungary Marcel Barsotti 01:28
24. Underground Marcel Barsotti 02:16
25. Siberia Marcel Barsotti 03:30
26. Into Battle Marcel Barsotti 01:06
27. "Emperor Quartet" Joseph Haydn 01:07
28. Kick-Off Marcel Barsotti 02:00
29. Germany In The Lead Marcel Barsotti 02:39
30. Wankdorf Stadium Marcel Barsotti 01:40
31. The Catacombs Marcel Barsotti 03:45
32. Over! Over! Over! Over! Game Over! Marcel Barsotti 02:18
33. German Boys Do Cry Marcel Barsotti 02:30
34. The Miracle Of Bern Suite Marcel Barsotti 01:47
35. The Miracle Of Bern (Reprise) Marcel Barsotti 01:39
Das Wunder von Bern

Das Wunder von Bern

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Lançada por: ZYX Music

Ano: 2003

País: Alemanha

Formato: CD

Duração: 01:10:37

1. Das Wunder Von Bern (Hauptthema) Marcel Barsotti 02:49
2. Training Marcel Barsotti 02:47
3. Ackermann Rumba Marcel Barsotti 02:03
4. Heimkehr Marcel Barsotti 01:28
5. Mach's Gut Furzknoten Marcel Barsotti 01:11
6. Heldenhymne Marcel Barsotti 01:37
7. Der Geist Von Spiez Marcel Barsotti 01:18
8. Helden Wie Wir Marcel Barsotti 02:23
9. "American Boogie" - Marty And His Rockin' Comets 02:42
10. Fritz Walter Wetter Marcel Barsotti 01:35
11. Tip Top Marcel Barsotti 02:01
12. Maria Voll Der Gnaden Marcel Barsotti 02:09
13. Kaninchen Mit Sosse Marcel Barsotti 01:36
14. Atze And Blacky Marcel Barsotti 01:48
15. Hose Runter! Marcel Barsotti 01:10
16. "Kleine Bar Am Thuner See" - Achim Kück 03:33
17. Ein Deutscher Junge Weint Nicht Marcel Barsotti 02:02
18. Fallrückzieher Marcel Barsotti 01:17
19. Nie Mehr Nach Hause Marcel Barsotti 01:50
20. Der Boss Marcel Barsotti 01:38
21. Das Wird Bestimmt Mal Wieder Besser Marcel Barsotti 02:02
22. Reise Nach Bern Marcel Barsotti 01:57
23. Unbesiegte Ungarn Marcel Barsotti 01:28
24. Unter Tage Marcel Barsotti 02:16
25. Sibirien Marcel Barsotti 03:30
26. Auf In Den Kampf Marcel Barsotti 01:04
27. "Kaiserquartett" - Joseph Haydn 01:07
28. Anpfiff Marcel Barsotti 02:00
29. Deutschland Vor! Marcel Barsotti 02:39
30. Wankdorf Stadion Marcel Barsotti 01:40
31. Die Katakomben Marcel Barsotti 03:43
32. Aus! Aus! Aus! Aus! Das Spiel Ist Aus! Marcel Barsotti 02:18
33. Deutsche Jungen Weinen Doch, (Finale) Marcel Barsotti 02:30
34. Wunder Von Bern Suite Marcel Barsotti 01:47
35. Das Wunder Von Bern (Reprise) Marcel Barsotti 01:39