
To be adopted into the utopian world of Aspen's elite would be some enterprising teen's greatest dream. Money, power, and parties so outrageous it would make the Ancient Greeks blush! Yet one teenage girl will discover that not all that glitters is made of gold and some monsters are seductively disguised. And when your protectors don't have your best interests at heart, growing into the best version of yourself can be downright dangerous. Set in the glory days of Aspen in the late '90s, seventeen-year-old Ivy (Sarah Jeffery) must navigate her parents' bitter divorce and feelings of abandonment, all whilst living in a patriarchal micro-society that wants to control you, and your body, without any regard to your mental health. Sound familiar? Ivy's identity and sense of self struggles against a toxic culture, one that I will remind you also birthed the Monica Lewinsky "scandal" and the exploitation of Britney Spears. While everyone will relate to the all-too-familiar lure of validation and seduction of wealth in Year of the Fox, others (calling all millennials) might be too enthralled with the not-too-far-off reality that was our adolescence on the big screen. (Seattle International Film Festival)
