
A riveting, jaw-dropping view of America's white supremacy movement. Rare archival footage, darkly humorous interviews, and their own promotional materials bring to light the inner workings of the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Nation, The Order and other radical right groups. With a folksy, matter-of-fact certainty, the men and women here speak of imminent race wars, Armageddon, the Holocaust "hoax", interracial breeding, the Christian Identity faith, the hordes of foreign troops poised to attack America, and "ZOG" - the Zion Occupation Government. In the wake of Oklahoma City, it's clear the radical right are not the patriotic, bedrock Americans they claim to be, nor harmless in their lunacies either. Controversial and timely, Blood in the Face reveals a dark and dangerous side of America. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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