
Zoe (Jordan Hinson) and her friends are hanging out at the Smart House when suddenly they are struck speechless. At the GD infirmary, Stark (Ed Quinn) determines that they're suffering from vocal chord paralysis. Carter (Colin Ferguson) investigates and finds a large hole in the skylight at the house, where the glass appears to have melted. While taking a shower, Allison's (Salli Richardson) skin takes on a bioluminescent glow. When Carter asks if there are any active projects at GD dealing with bioluminescence, Allison directs him to Seth Osbourne (Alan Legros), who's been experimenting with botanical and marine cross-hybridization to create bioluminescent specimens. Next thing you know, the water in Osbourne's aquarium turns blood red, and when Carter arrives on the scene, he discovers that the tank has a hole in the glass, similar to the one in the skylight. Whatever triggered Allison's bioluminescence, it is acting like a neurotoxin and starting to shut down her body systems. Stark works furiously to perfect a nerve agent antidote he's been developing but has less than 12 hours to save Allison. At Allison's house, Carter discovers yet another hole melted into one of the windows. Meanwhile, panic sets in as Eureka's citizens lose their voices en masse and the faucets begin to run with blood. (iTunes)

