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  • USA The Future Is Not What It Used to Be (mais)
Finlândia, 2002, 52 min


Erkki Kurenniemi, born in 1944, is a pioneer of electronic art. He moves from short films to electronic music, from nanobiology to robotics, and from computer games to a massive video diary project with surprising ease. Characteristically none of his ventures are ever quite finished. Erkki Kurenniemi, who also happens to be a nuclear physician, is a great exception at a time when most artists are trying to create a consistent career and develop a trademark image. Kurenniemi has never had time to turn himself into a project. With manic energy he is working on the future of a digital and medial world. For him, this means to be in a permanent state of attention. In his video-diary he registers every trace of his life, to later be able to reconstruct what future was like in the past. (DOK.fest München)

