
(filme de TV)
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Chanel, Dior, Armani, Kenzo, Balenciaga ... in spite of globalisation, Paris remains the most important fashion centre of all and the city is still a magnet for designers from all over the world. One of fashion's most long-standing and revered proponents is Yves Saint Laurent. In 2002, he decided to retire from the fashion business. At his farewell show, which was attended by tout Paris, his muse and one of his most loyal customers, Catherine Deneuve, sang a heart-rending song to wish him goodbye.
This film describes the last two years in the career of this brilliant fashion de signer. Born in Oran in 1936, Saint Laurent began working for Dior as early as the 1950s, making a name for himself in the 60s for the collections he created with his business collaborator and life partner Pierre Bergé. His career as an iconic stylist really took off when he began designing prêt-àporter fashion alongside haute couture. Since then, Yves Saint Laurent the man has gradually disappeared behind the label YSL. (Berlinale)



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