
A film about the legendary electronica trio from the 80s: FRAKTUS, the true inventors of techno, launch their comeback. From Westbam to Scooter, from Blixa Bargeld to Dieter Meier, the music scene is unanimous: it was FRAKTUS. FRAKTUS invented techno. They anticipated the style, the sound revolution, the technology. But today FRAKTUS remain a myth – in spite of their promising debut success in the eighties and their unique sound. Though immensely influential and revered by fellow musicians worldwide, the band split up in acrimony over 25 years ago and is now only known by insiders.
What became of them? What are these three doing today? Could these pioneers now be on the threshold of a comeback? This documentary film goes in search of the three radically different musicians. Music producer Roger Dettner tracked down the three founding fathers of techno in Hamburg, in the small north German town of Brunsbüttel and in Ibiza. In what must rate as a sensation in the history of pop music, he has succeeded in gathering them around one table and getting FRAKTUS back into the studio. Music history has been rewritten. This time with FRAKTUS as its pivotal chapter. History never forgets the real discovers. Not even FRAKTUS. (Berlinale)

