
The topical and current movie by the Holwerd brothers, The Unbelievers, is a unique documentary about science, critical thinking and atheism. The film was produced by its protagonist; one of the most prolific theoretical physicists of this age, Lawrence M. Krauss. With another scientific icon, Richard Dawkins, he travels the world giving lectures and discussing science and critical thinking. The Unbelievers was the highlight of their tour of lectures last year; a tour which continues this year at universities all over the United States and, uniquely, in Olomouc. The movie premiered at the 2013 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival in Toronto. Many celebrities appear in the movie, including Woody Allen, Werner Herzog, Cameron Diaz, Ricky Gervais, Ian McEwan, Cormac McCarthy and Sarah Silverman. Before the screening, the creators of the movie will give a brief introduction and afterwards there will be a discussion with this year’s AFO guest of honour, Lawrence M. Krauss. (Academia Film Olomouc)



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