
  • USA Dragon Girls
Alemanha / China, 2012, 90 min


Dragon Girls tells the story of three girls at the martial arts school Shaolin Tagou in the Henan province in Central China. With 26.000 students it is the biggest Kung Fu School in China. It is located right next to the Shaolin Temple, the temple where Kung Fu was born. About 1000 kilometres from their parents, Xin Chenxi (9) and Chen Xi (15) battle their every day life of discipline, rules and daily gruelling training in midst of the mass of the other girls and boys. But Kung Fu is also their chance. They know what the hard training is about: They want to be part of China's Kung Fu elite, one day. The better they master their fighting techniques, the bigger their chance to rise from the poor life to one worth living for. (KinoSmith)



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