Den Forunderlige Kvanteverden

  • USA Taming the Quantum World


"You cannot understand it within the framework of your everyday thinking." We are talking about quantum physics. The fact that this microscopic realm is governed by different laws than those governing the world of our immediate surroundings was something even Albert Einstein had trouble accepting. This is illustrated in the film through staged sequences of his conversation with Niels Bohr, one of the founding fathers of quantum physics. The documentary makes the audience aware of the basic phenomena of quantum physics and gives the viewers a brief historical background of the origins of quantum physics theory. But its main aim is to present the results of the practical applications of quantum physics. Some of these, such as encryption methods for sensitive data, are already in use. Others, such as quantum computers or quantum internet, are still a thing of the future for humans. In the words of quantum physicists themselves, these discoveries may help solve critically important issues, such as global warming. They might also answer some unresolved questions. (Academia Film Olomouc)
