Mendel - otec genetiky

(filme de TV)
  • inglês Mendel - The Father of Genetics (título de festival)


Gregor Johann Mendel is the universally recognized founder of genetics and effectively also of modern biology. Paradoxically, his work is not generally well-known to the Czech public. Apart from his famed experiments with the cross-breeding of pea plants, his contributions to the realm of science are not much discussed. Moreover, even these cross-breeding experiments are often not considered to be an essential contribution. The documentary film Mendel – the Father of Genetics reminds us however that the reverse is of course the truth. The claim that Mendel was a versatile genius is strongly supported not only by the fact that he founded genetics but also by the extent of his work in other scientific fields. Among other things, for example, he was the first person to describe in detail a tornado that occurred in Czech territory, and even managed to inadvertently found the scientific field of space weather study. Despite all his contributions, he was not recognized by the wider scientific community during his life. Other researchers noticed and revived his forgotten work only at the beginning of the 20th century. (Academia Film Olomouc)
