Above the Drowning Sea


The dramatic escape of thousands of European Jews to Shanghai, who found safe harbor from the Nazi menace, is revealed in the affecting Above the Drowning Sea. As Hitler advanced, Jewish families sought refuge in any country that would accept them. With every door closed, Ho Feng-Shan, the Chinese Consul in Vienna, courageously defied his own government and the Gestapo by issuing visas to the refugees. Arriving on China’s eastern coast, the exiles faced new trials in a remote, unfamiliar land, caught up in its own civil war and chaos from foreign invasion. This remarkable story of heroism and humanity comes to life through the voices of actors Julianna Margulies, Tony Goldwyn and Nick Mancuso, as well as accounts by the refugees and their Chinese neighbors who recall their harrowing experiences and the remarkable friendships forged across cultures. (Atlanta Jewish Film Festival)
