City Under the Sea

(filme de TV)
todos os cartazes
USA, 2010, 52 min


Rushmore DeNooyer (narrador)


The oceans cover 70 percent of our planet to average depth of two miles. Although science fiction writers and ordinary mortals have longed dreamed of life under the sea, no humans have ever lived there permanently. But with climate change and environmental degradation looming on land can we afford to leave such a vast space unoccupied? What if we gave ourselves 10 years to create an undersea colony where 100 families could live? Could we do it? And how would we do it? In this program we meet experts who already believe an undersea colony is possible, including Lloyd Godson who is spending 14 days living in a habitat submerged in a marine aquarium. Godson and others are developing the structures and the technology that could make living under the sea a reality. (texto oficial do distribuidor)



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