Girl Against Gravity

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Curta-metragem / Documentário
Dinamarca, 2017, 21 min


Jens Pedersen


Jens Pedersen


Jens Pedersen


Erdenchimeg is an eleven-year-old girl who lives with her mother in a simple yurt in Mongolia’s capital. She often misses her father, who has been sentenced to many years in prison. She does not, however, forget to dream. She would like to become a professional contortionist – a “snake woman”. At the coach’s own invitation, the young girl gets a chance to attend a prestigious acrobatic school. Although she feels out of place among the girls from wealthy families, she resolutely continues and undergoes challenging and painful training. It’s not just for fun. Becoming an acrobat offers her the opportunity to fulfil her dreams and to support herself and her family. (One World)
