Laika tilti

  • Letónia Baltijas Jaunais vilnis (mais)
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In the beginning of the 60s behind the Iron Wall a new generation of filmmakers in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia challenged the Soviet dogma of propaganda newsreels back then called documentaries and turned documentary filmmaking into a form of art. They explored metaphor, promoted associative thinking, balanced facts and images in an earlier unseen and groundbreaking visual language - all that was and is called Poetic cinema. This phenomenon continues to influence and inspire generations of filmmakers and their audiences in the whole world. Half a century later we try to build bridges of time and detect how the old masters were thinking and how they managed - in the midst of that vast Soviet Solaris Ocean - to put a Human in the focus and search for the answers to the Eternal questions - the ones that every generation has to answer anew... We re-touch, re-discover and re-visit the film worlds created by the masters of the generation 60ties. Our path leads from misty Lithuanian meadows to Latvian fisherman villages, from the Death row of Riga prison to the desserts of Israel, from the Midsummer bonfires of Estonian islands to 235 000 000 faces behind the Iron Wall. (Estonian Film Institute)
