A New Normal

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Curta-metragem / Drama
Alemanha, 2019


This is a stereoscopic essay film that examines the question of how to go on when everything has changed. A young man leaves his apartment in an old high-rise and wanders through deserted landscapes. Something is waiting for him out there, but what drives him forward is his desire to leave everything, including himself, behind. A narrator recounts fragments and experiences of someone's everyday life following a catastrophe. They bear no resemblance to the journey of the young man, but cannot be cleanly separated from it either. Stories start out as banal episodes about grocery shopping or commuting to work, but reveal various strategies for engaging with a profound crisis of identity. The 3-D images are both an artistic and a narrative choice: they serve as a window into his thoughts and attempts to develop a new sense of normalcy. (Filmfest München)
