
Drama / Romance
Coreia do Sul, 2019, 114 min


There are many things that make Seo-young (Chun Woo-Hee) dizzy: the disorienting precarity of being a contract office worker, the uncertainty of having an illicit affair with her handsome boss, Jin-Soo (Yoo Teo), or the fact that she has to live this life every day at the top of a Seoul skyscraper. To add injury to insult, Seo-young suffers from vertigo, a condition exasperated by the swaying of the tall tower. Seo-young patiently awaits the day when she can have a steady job and go public with her relationship with Jin-Soo, but when things begin to go south with both her health and her boss, her mental and emotional stability unravels precipitously. Unbeknownst to Seo-young, however, she has a secret admirer just outside her window. (Hawaii International Film Festival)

