
Francis Ng delivers a powerhouse performance in Bullets Over Summer, an acclaimed cop film with intriguing characters and potent, unexpected drama. Officer Mike (Francis Ng) is a temperamental cop assigned to a routine stakeout with partner Yan (rising superstar Louis Koo). Their quarry is a group of vicious thieves, but Mike and Yan have to deal with the more mundane tasks of police investigation first, like obtaining a proper stakeout location. They select the apartment of a senile old woman (Luo Lan, in an award-winning performance), and in between routine surveillance, get to know the old woman and their various neighbors. Everyday life and precious personal connections get made in the line of duty, and the isolation of a being a cop seems to fade. But when the job intrudes, sudden lines are drawn, and Mike makes surprising, shocking choices to protect the people he's come to care about. (Kani)
