
Trailer 6


Jordan Peele reimagina o filme de verão com um novo pesadelo pop: o épico expansivo de terror Nope. O filme volta a reunir Peele e Daniel Kaluuya, juntando Keke Palmer e Steven Yeun no papel de residentes de uma localidade solitária no interior da Califórnia, que testemunham uma espantosa e arrepiante descoberta. (Cinemundo)

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português Para um espetador que conhece o talento cinematográfico de Peele e as limitações da escrita de argumento, Nope é exatamente o tipo de loucura que o trailer anunciou. O realizador pode tornar praticamente qualquer cena envolvente. Mas quando essas cenas apenas insinuam algo durante cem minutos, e algumas delas não têm relevância significativa para uma história já esparsa (o homem asiático e o chimpanzé), são apenas uma simples pose de provocar o espetador. A peculiar combinação de motivos de género de Peele (aqui, ficção científica de terror e western) pode parecer ousada e inovadora, mas num filme que quer assustar, por um lado, e balança à beira da paródia, por outro, a visão criativa perde-se. Em termos de sucesso, Nope está algures entre Foge, que se baseou numa ideia brilhante, e Nós, que foi ridiculamente estúpido. ()


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inglês For two thirds the film is a compelling, engrossing and carefully constructed horror-thriller mystery that kept me engaged as the characters struggled to get to the bottom of the mystery. This part of Nope, which I was very pleased with, culminated in a magnificent night scene with "blood rain" that made me glow with bliss and consider awarding five star to a horror flick for the first time in a long time. But, as you can see, I didn’t go further than three. Because the film then turns into an action charade, where you don't care about the characters and just try to catch the design of the weird contraption and figure out if you like it or not. And what shocked me above all is that it doesn't actually come to anything. After his previous two films, you'd expect Jordan Peele to be ... smarter than that? Us may have been logically leaky, but I found its social references were very stimulating (and that goes twofold  for Get Out). There's nothing like that in Nope, or I don't see it there at first. Many people, often dismissively, refer to Peele as the king of "elevated horror", but this is, in the end, more or less an ordinary genre film. In the space of half an hour, the film shoots two or three banal ideas (what people are willing to risk for fame and success / the fascination with tragedy / the stupid notion that man can tame everything), which it then repeats to the point of foolishness, but doesn't take them anywhere. I don't want to sound overly critical, Nope is definitely nice to look at, it has a number of impressive scenes and it's certainly a good film to see in the cinema, but after the excellent first two acts I can't help feeling disappointed at the end. ()


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inglês Siblings OJ and Emerald are struggling with a failing farm, their own relationship, and now with something hiding in the clouds, and as it soon turns out, it's pretty damn dangerous. Only how do you expose this thing, which is good at hiding and doesn't like to let witnesses in, to the world? And how to survive it? Jordan Peele delivers a science fiction film that doesn't quite work in the first half, and he as a director doesn't quite manage to build the tension as well as he might have liked. But he makes up for it all with the final act, when the humans and the mysterious something from the clouds have a fair fight. The closer we get to the end, the smarter and more entertaining Nope gets. And it looks really beautiful. But Peele still can't do real fear and terror. ()


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inglês Jordan Peele has once again proven that he's an intriguing director, just like he did with Get Out. In Nope, he delves into themes that no one else has touched, blending a unique black perspective with mysticism, aliens, and a Western vibe. Sounds like a mess? Just watch Nope. It might seem crazy, and it is, but it's an atmospherically genius kind of crazy, with stunning cinematography. I haven't been so captivated by shots of clouds in a long time. The film is filled with more WTF moments than you can imagine, and its ending is fantastic — though it does dip into a Hollywood vibe just when you think it's entirely anti-Hollywood. For those moments and the riveting conclusion, this movie truly deserves your attention. I haven't watched TV with such interest and curiosity in a long time. ()



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inglês Best UFO movie in decade? Nope. Actually god damn YES! Jordan Peele is back and will once again divide audiences into two camps, though this time he'll get a bigger ovation than he did with the overrated Us thanks to the awesome material. Peele is a bit unconventional here, the social undertones aren’t as intense as in his previous films, there is a fair amount of humour and there are considerably fewer symbols and metaphors, yet he's made a unique and impressive genre film that again isn't as horror as it could have been, but I'm very pleased. Nope is definitely a horror film that manages to win the audience over with its strong cinematic aspects, and it looks really beautiful, especially in IMAX. The cinematography by Hoytema is a masterpiece in itself, some of the shots are breathtaking (and that's not something you see often in the horror genre), and the casting is great. Kaluuya is good, but next to Keke Palmer he seemed slightly like a shadow, because here she gives perhaps the strongest female performance in 15 years (emotions, screaming, speech, voice), an absolute acting tour-de-force from an unknown actress, whom I immediately want to see somewhere else. The music is well chosen and especially the atmosphere works fantastically, it's very uncomfortable, creepy, weird and unnerving in places. There are quite a few exciting and spectacular horror scenes that I will remember in the future (The chimp, a house covered in blood, a horse's head in a car, the digestive process of the villain and the screaming of the dead still ring in my ears). I'm perhaps only the final act away from a full score, which ironically is weaker than the previous ones (most people complain about the action-packed finale, but I wouldn't call it so, you can immediately imagine a spectacular Secret War style alien massacre and it doesn't really happen). I just wasn't sure if I liked the final scene or not, but you can't deny the creativity. Peele will definitely be making horror films in the future and I'd quite like to see a slasher or pure ghost story from him. Better than Arrival for me. Story 4/5 Humour 2/5 Violence 3/5 Fun 4/5 Music 4/5 Visuals 5/5 Atmosphere 4/5 Suspense 4/5 Emotion 4/5 Actors 5/5 Total: 8/10. ()


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inglês One could easily give in to the temptation to declare Peele the new Tarantino in an attempt to elevate him as one of the most distinctive and unique talents of the contemporary American overground. Except the fundamental difference between the two filmmakers is that Tarantino is a self-regarding nerd who adores the mythology of cinema and fictional heroes, whereas Peele turns to reality, as he is not only a cinephile, but also a creator who reflects on society and the bizarre paradoxes of its apparatuses and status quo. Therefore, his films are not merely sophisticatedly enthusiastic games played with film formulas and eclectic monuments to fringe movies and filmmakers, but biting satires and multi-layered works that can be simultaneously entertaining and chilling. Peele’s third feature-length project is fascinating as a uniquely unpredictable narrative that builds a stunning monument to cinema and its pioneers on a foundation of mystery and contact with something alien. In his equivalent of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Peele doesn’t go the way of Tarantino’s illusory fiction and enchanted, adoring pathos, but creates a film that consciously works with paradoxes and contradictions. Nope is thus both a sci-fi movie and a western dealing with the bitterness of the entertainment industry, which catches itself in its own trap as it grooms viewers who demand ever newer and more spectacular attractions. It thus seems inevitable that this changing industry should leave its old strivers and pioneers in the dust. Peele pays homage to the obsession with the perfect shot, but he paradoxically does so with the background of a time when that perfection is already artificial and created without risk thanks to computer-generated effects and digital post-production. What is most surprising about Nope is that, though it deals with old Hollywood and its magic and pathos, it does not address tearful old men, but conveys that ethos to the younger generation weaned on YouTube and hanging around on social networks every day. ()


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inglês Close Encounters of the Peele Kind. A revitalized Spielbergian tale of one poorly tied-up circus tent that wants to be "elevated," but it just took me for a ride in a paternoster, and even though I watched it the whole time, it left me alone. A lot of themes are touched on: spectacle you can't take your eyes off and become addicted to, respect for fauna and how you treat it, biblical motifs of angels and ascension, the neglect of the Black legacy in cinema, competition and ambition in the industry, or dubious paths to the American dream. But honestly, if it weren’t for Hoyte van Hoytema's IMAX rides and the wide-eyed stoic Daniel Kaluuya, the only thing I’d be curious about is whether you can scrape the penicillin off Michael Wincott. ()


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inglês An amazing atmosphere and so many original ideas... I'm glad that they still make (and get into cinemas) films like this that are probably impossible to fully understand at first, but which have such charm that you want to watch them again and only fully understand them afterwards. Original plot, realistic story, great (and well acted) characters, a sense of constant mystery… It's not horror, because then Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which Peele combines with Jaws, Signs and more, would have to be horror. I haven't seen a more original design of an alien "something" since Arrival, a number of scenes are without exaggeration unforgettable and I look forward to seeing them again. I think Nope is in many ways on par with Christopher Nolan's films, and if Nolan or Dennis Villeneuve had made it instead of Peele, the ratings here would be quite different. ()


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inglês Playful, but without balls and a proper climax. Peele again pretends to amass all the wit in the world for a thrilling finale, but in sum, he just patiently teases and misses the mark. There were a lot of suggestions and I appreciate especially the reference to the history of motion picture and its representative or media function, but I enjoyed the more mysterious and yet more down-to-earth Signs much more. ()


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inglês After the overly pretentious Us, where social critique and metaphor overwhelmed the functioning of the film as a whole, with Nope Jordan Peele returns to a simple idea set in a functional genre piece, as he did with Get Out. And it has exactly that Spielberg charm of wonder at the supernatural element, touches of well-measured comedy, moments of chilling horror and, most importantly, adventure. There hasn't been a film this epically adventurous, with the feeling that you're experiencing an exclusive adventure together with the characters, for a long time. Thumbs up! Is Jordan Peele the cinematic genius and horror wizard the American media and critics in particular would have us believe? Not at all. But is he an interesting and capable filmmaker whose work is worth watching? That’s for sure. ()


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inglês NOPE, or Not Of Planet Earth, arrived and with it a Jordan Peele we don't know. Where his previous films, Us and Get Out, relied on a central idea, a social-racial subtext and an attempt to shock, here we get a full-blown sci-fi flick with small overlapping themes (people's fascination with the "spectacles" around them, the quest to tame animals, the domination of nature by predators, the uncompromising Hollywood industry and its treatment of actors and filmmakers as trash, and other themes less visible...). This makes me find it quite amusing that with Us and Get Out conventional viewers grumbled that they wanted a horror film and got social criticism, and here again they grumble that they wanted "classic Jordan" and got science fiction. Whatever, haters gonna hate and they’ll always find an excuse. But about the film itself. The duo of Peele and Daniel Kaluuya are a perfect fit for each other, as they've proven once before, and the same is true here, and the cinematography is great (NOPE is the first horror film to be shot in IMAX format), the sound design is even better and only gives the film its full status in the sci-fi genre. The central idea is admittedly familiar to everyone at its core (UFOs, right?), but it is cleverly differentiated in the details, the rules that are set, and also by the shape of the flying saucer. We discover in the course of the film that it is not actually a classic UFO as we are used to. The first third is a decent start, the second third a complete immersion into the plot and then the final part is an unstoppable, action, blood and tension-packed ride that goes full speed ahead until the end and shows us that Peele knows how to do it. The two-hour running time is not boring at all, the acting is something to behold. I have a small problem with the fact that the trailer promised certain elements that the film shrewdly avoided and as a result not only failed to deliver, but didn't even lean into them at all (I won't spoil specific scenes), but all in all, I'm satisfied. I was looking forward to a "classic Peele", which I didn't get, but in return I was served a spectacular sci-fi flick with an original monster that will please everyone. ()


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inglês Excellent in terms of Peele's creative limits, and in terms of the current creative limits of the contemporary mainstream it’s one of the films of the year. Anyway, who am I kidding, the movie itself is divine. If, like me, you're lucky enough to have seen the film as a complete "tabula rasa", you're in for a magical hour and a half of gradually unraveling mysteries in Hollywood Hills, during which various scripted red herrings and plot contrivances scramble around you, hilariously referencing the magical idiocy of 1990s American TV that Tarantino, for example, was so fond of talking about. After all, after his last film, I think Peele is much closer to him than to the oft-cited Hitchcock. It works as a genre piece, but with even a minimum of knowledge of American pop culture it starts to become apparent how insanely great the whole film is. The charm of big horse eyes, Harambe, the haunted aura of Hollywood ranches, cameramen measuring guns, Wincott pulled out of somewhere by his collar, a soundtrack that steals from both Morricone and Badalamenti, and a cloud that doesn't move for six months without anyone noticing. And Hoytema behind the camera. Yep. ()


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inglês OK, so this sci-fi horror movie has a nice, solid atmosphere, carefully building tension. The monster is only hinted at most of the time, it is only revealed at the end and the artwork on it is pretty good. The high-quality, but not well-known actors are a joy to watch. The flashbacks affording glimpses into the past, leading back to one similar incident, were carefully rationed, appearing at just the right times, giving away only what was absolutely essential. So the viewer is clear about what happened back then, and is just left wondering how much will be revealed in the next flashback. I give a big plus point for the fact that there is no love interest in the film. _____ However, I was annoyed by the music, as well as the hero's whiny, selfish sister, and I got a bit bored at times during some of the waiting. IN A NUTSHELL: Sentence: "He must be watching us from the cloud...," may have a completely different meaning than you think. ()


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inglês Fortunately, it isn’t another tragedy this time around. Jordan Peele monumentally disappointed me with his last film, US. After his nearly perfect debut with GET OUT, I decided to give him that proverbial second chance. NOPE falls right in between them in terms of quality. The audiovisual elements are luxurious, and there’s little to debate about whether it could have been better. Hoyte van Hoytema's work behind the camera is undeniable, and his work will make every viewer say "WOW." The acting is decent, but unfortunately, the story didn’t hook me in the way I had hoped. The design of the extraterrestrial entity towards the end was a letdown (it looked like a cheap paper kite). The final half-hour of action didn’t fit with the slower, dramatic build-up that the film had been developing before. So, while there are some genuinely thrilling scenes, the final product slightly falls short as a whole. For me, it’s 6/10. ()


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inglês Once again Jordan Peele didn't refrain from his typical contrasts and semi-hidden meanings, and that strong commitment to his work will forever (logically) be his trademark. Thank goodness that engagement isn't as spastic and annoying as it was in Us, which was a mega-miss and made me almost embarrassed for him. Nope is definitely the most cinematic work he's done to date, in terms of quality of craft and especially mise-en-scene. Peele can build a scene like few others, he's almost unmatched in that. The problem is that on some levels the script doesn't even give seemingly satisfactory answers, which unfortunately costs it credibility overall and the viewer is forced to wonder if he’s pulling some of the meanings out of his ass. And the "problem" is also that I started thinking this way only after the viewing, because the bulk of the film is, plain and simple, electrifying and absorbing. During the greatest audiovisual highlights, I was put in mind of Nolan or Villeneuve (probably the latter the most). Jordan Peele will probably never make a typical blockbuster (unlike those two), and his work will always be somewhat on the fringes of Hollywood production, but his narrative skill is so polished that I'll be quite interested in every one of his efforts to follow. Seen and experienced in IMAX. [75%] ()