Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

Em oferta a partir de 01/09/2011  







MrHladReign Over Me(2007) 

More like 3 and 1/2 stars. For the first hour, Mike Binder kind of stumbles around, making you like characters he doesn't really say anything about. Fortunately, things take a bit of a turn towards the end and the… (mais)

Baru.ClassStarship Troopers 3(2008) 

Even though it's the "latest" cinematic work of Starship Troopers, the effects and story are probably the dumbest of them all :) They did bring back Casper, aka Rico, but it's not the same anymore; you can only… (mais)

PethushkaReign Over Me(2007) 

A serious Sandler is definitely not for me and now I know that for a fact. This script is unnecessarily lengthy. In a shorter version it probably wouldn't have been bad. But the presentation and the acting are terrible.… (mais)