Netflix - Streaming

Em destaque hoje


Em oferta a partir de 17/05/2024  



Em oferta a partir de 16/05/2024
Em oferta a partir de 15/05/2024
Em oferta a partir de 13/05/2024
Em oferta a partir de 12/05/2024


Em oferta a partir de 11/05/2024
Em oferta a partir de 10/05/2024



Os melhores filmes do serviço de streaming




Is this the same Sollima who did Sicario 2 and is an expert on European gangster movies? The beginning still looked promising, the protagonist is at a disgusting gay party full of drugs and alcohol, where he is tasked… (mais)

PethushkaAlguém Tem de Morrer(2020) 

I was drawn to the series by Esther, but I'm leaving excited because of Cecilia. The actors are without a doubt the best thing about this series. But the dense atmosphere that the creators have managed to create – also… (mais)

StanislausAlguém Tem de Morrer(2020) 

The miniseries Someone Has to Die appealed to me at first sight because of its theme and setting. However, after watching it, I have mixed feelings about this Mexican piece. The creators played out several issues in the… (mais)