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  • Comédia
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A crítica mais recente (1 774)


Garfield: O Filme (2024) 

inglês After the twenty year old live-action version, this is my second encounter with the gluttonous lasagna lover and chief opponent of Mondays. The makers of the new Garfield have moved with the times, throwing in many modern conveniences to appeal to today's younger audience, while the ubiquitous sarcasm is intended for older viewers – it's just a shame it is lighter in tone. In terms of story, the film doesn't surprise in any way, but it doesn't bore, and the plot moves along quickly throughout. As an unpretentious flick for a free afternoon, The Garfield Movie is a perfect choice!


O Reino do Planeta dos Macacos (2024) 

inglês Caesar is dead, but his legacy lives on, albeit in a twisted form! Although I haven't seen War for the Planet of the Apes, I went to the cinema to see the latest entry in the post-apocalyptic ape saga, as it is a fresh reboot(?) of the franchise. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is another audiovisually captivating spectacle, standing out in particular for its amazing CGI apes. Story-wise, the film doesn't have much to surprise, but it was still very easy to watch thanks to the attractive visuals and the regularly dosed action. I was intrigued by the character of Raky and also by the line with the breeding of eagles (it reminded me of the ikrans from Avatar). I wonder if there will be a sequel in the coming years, which I certainly wouldn't be averse to.


Guardiana de dragones (2024) 

inglês The Spanish-Chinese co-production Dragonkeeper shares a central theme with the more famous How to Train Your Dragon: the (re)building of the relationship between humans and powerful dragons. Dragonkeeper has a pretty likable story, though the animation is more on the average side. As an unpretentious flick with a few humorous and action scenes, it is good enough, but a few days after the screening you probably won't remember it.

A avaliação mais recente (3 582)

Priscilla (2023)


Amigos Imaginários (2024)


Shazam! Fúria dos Deuses (2023)


Vermin - A Praga (2023)


Furiosa: Uma Saga Mad Max (2024)


Garfield: O Filme (2024)


O Reino do Planeta dos Macacos (2024)


Guardiana de dragones (2024)


Grand Prix (2022)



O diário mais recente (53)

32. týden 2017 - Final Theme z Velké ryby (Danny Elfman)

Velkou rybu považuji vedle Střihorukého Edwarda a Ospalé díry za Burtonův nejlepší filmařský kousek, který se mi hluboce zapsal do paměti. Velký podíl má na celkovém dojmu rovněž i hudební stránka, pod kterou se klasicky podepsal Burtonův dvorní skladatel Danny Elfman. Nejpůsobivější scénou ve Velké rybě je závěrečná sekvence, k čemuž přispěla i skladba, která onu sekvenci doprovází. Člověka to pak donutí o to více popřemýšlet o životě, který se sám o sobě skládá z mnoha drobných příběhů a náhodných setkání s lidmi - a aby měl člověk na konci o čem vyprávět, tak je třeba ten život řádně prožít a ne jen přežít.


Zároveň jde o poslední příspěvek do deníčku, který uzavírá roční tématický cyklus "Song/skladba týdne".