Prime Video - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Prime Video

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Os melhores filmes do serviço de streaming


GoldbeaterA Última Valsa(1978) 

Martin Scorsese masterfully presents a half documentary of the last concert of the legendary rock band The Band and half documentary insight into the personalities of its members, who give entertaining and humorous… (mais)

kaylinOs Sete Magníficos(1960) 

I am so glad that this western was released as part of "Project 100", because seeing it on the screen, and in great quality, except for a few scenes, was a great experience. And even though the movie theater was half… (mais)

LimaOs Sete Magníficos(1960) 

A legendary western with an amazing soundtrack that can be watched over and over again without getting tired. And you know who I was rooting for the most? Robert Vaughn. His is an ambiguous character who keeps himself… (mais)

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