Prime Video - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Prime Video

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Os melhores filmes do serviço de streaming



I'm not a particular admirer of Miloš Forman, who has become a more fashionable filmmaker with each passing year, and knowledge of his complete works makes one a better person. However, since childhood, I have had a… (mais)

GoldbeaterA Última Valsa(1978) 

Martin Scorsese masterfully presents a half documentary of the last concert of the legendary rock band The Band and half documentary insight into the personalities of its members, who give entertaining and humorous… (mais)

MarigoldNem Guerra, Nem Paz(1975) 

Woody Allen once again used his main weapons in Love and Death – a ridiculously ugly face, sarcasm, and perfect knowledge of the plot of classical literature, which he turned into a wood shed without piety. Parodies of… (mais)

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