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Diário (4)

Batman Begins

Alfred Pennyworth: Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

The Green Mile

Paul Edgecomb: What happens on the Mile, stays on the Mile. Always has.


Hawkeye: I'd like a dry martini, Mr Kwak. A very dry martini. A very dry, arid, barren, dessicated, veritable dust bowl of a martini. I want a martini that could be declared a disaster area. Mix me just such a martini.


Hawkeye: Dry, Mr Kwak. Dry, Drier, Driest. Unwet. The ultimate, the perfect martini. The drink that's dying of thirst


Major Burns: I want this kitchen to shine like my mother's. You could've eaten off her flor.
Sergeant Zale: No plates, huh?
Major Burns: Oh, can the sauce, Sergeant.
Major Burns: Field Marshal Rommel said, "You can judge an army by its kitchens."
Sergeant Zale: Yeah? In that case I guess your mother could've licked Germany single-handed.