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  • Comédia
  • Drama
  • Animação
  • Curta-metragem
  • Filme policial

Filmes favoritos (9)

Estranhas Ligações

Estranhas Ligações (1999)

This may be a remake, but goodness, it’s darn good. I can’t find the right words to describe this movie properly - all that comes out of me is praise. This absolutely wonderful "psychological romantic drama" gripped me so hard that it became my favorite movie ever and I don’t think that will ever change. The screenplay is simply wonderful, the cast even better - I can’t imagine anybody else acting in this movie. All the roles fit them like gloves. Siblings Kathryn and Sebastian like playing games with people. They like to manipulate them and do psychological harm. This makes brother and sister completely unique and you can’t help loving them. And I liked Kathryn best, because she acts the real bitch to the bitter end, while maintaining a front of perfection, not a hair out of place. I really recommend this movie; it’s a gem. I don’t know anybody that didn’t like the movie. And the closing scene in church with the hit by The Verve: "Bitter Sweet Symphony" which ripped me apart inside - simply perfect. No other movie has ever got under my skin more than Cruel Intentions.

Pela Borda Fora

Pela Borda Fora (1987)

A really good comedy with an outstanding cast in the main roles. I highly recommend this movie because it’s far from boring and has a comely plot full of funny lines. The movie totally engrossed me and I can’t give it any less than a full set. The lovely Goldie Hawn did a perfect job of playing the role of Joanna.

And Then We Danced

And Then We Danced (2019)

I’ve seen the forbidden love theme so often, but never before in such a dry, raw and realistic setting as is the strongly religious and stereotypical country of Georgia. This movie really is different and extraordinary, mainly thanks to the traditional Georgian music, the camerawork and also the amazing chemistry between both central characters.