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Críticas (1 159)


Step Up 3D (2010) 

inglês This movie is all about the music and dancing. I would say that with each episode, Let's Dance loses the plot and gets more into the dancing. But of course there's nothing wrong with that. It's great to watch, great to listen to, stylish... and that's what it’s all about.


88 Minutes (2007) 

inglês A little scattered and too busy for Al Pacino. As a viewer, I didn't really get to know the other characters properly and thus didn't really "care" who was or wasn't the killer. It was like the director himself was afraid that people wouldn't follow... it only made the whole thing hectic.


Olha Quem Fala (1989) 

inglês If only we could hear what kids think in real life, we'd probably laugh. Unfortunately that's not possible, so at least there's Look Who's Talking... a funny family comedy with the great John Travolta. A favorite from my childhood... and you can't throw shade on those.


A Namorada do meu Melhor Amigo (2008) 

inglês Dane Cook and Kate Hudson, two young people worth watching. And of course Jason Biggs as Dustin who wants to pick up the beautiful Alexis but doesn't know how. He's (un)lucky to have a friend, Tank, who always helps him out... pretty corny, but it worked for me. I just often felt that J. Biggs was pushed aside, and not just in terms of his character. A funny, romantic, and unpretentious comedy.


Bride Wars (2009) 

inglês If you buy the DVD or the movie ticket, you certainly won't be expecting the movie to change your outlook on life. You're going to relax, have fun, and see a little piece of America again. This piece looks okay to me. For once this is not about a relationship between a man and a woman, but about two friends who share the same wedding date. Gimmicks and jokes you've heard and seen before somewhere, but it simply entertains you anyway, so when the next Kate Hudson romcom comes to the cinema, you'll grab your other half and go again. Because that's how it goes...


O Tesouro Encalhado (2008) 

inglês A pleasantly nautical adventure film. I think it fulfilled its purpose to entertain, to amuse. Although Kate Hudson's allusions to the great sex with Finn get tiresome over time. Some of the jokes are on the boundary between funny and awkward. But I still like the way Tess passes out plates and beats Finn. 3.5 stars.


Good Luck Chuck (2007) 

inglês I was most entertained by the bumbling Jessica Alba, who has a disaster happen at every turn. And I actually enjoyed her a lot. Of course, this film again falls under the shadow of similar films and the script is slightly predictable, but it certainly isn’t lacking in originality. Dane Cook is an excellent actor who keeps you entertained. Jessica Alba is a beautiful girl whose grimaces are very funny. Together they succeed on all counts. And the penguins... no issues. 5 stars.


Choking Hazard (2004) Boo!

inglês That someone would have such horrible thoughts as to make such a horrible thing... pfffft. I was surprised when I got Choking Hazard free with a pack of chocolate bars. But I was even more surprised when I popped it into my DVD player... why would someone waste energy like that? BOO!


Meet Dave (2008) 

inglês In my opinion, if you want to do comedy, you should have a sense of humor. I guess nobody told the makers of this movie that, unfortunately. On the other hand, Eddie Murphy is a good actor and there were some good bits at times... hence the 2 stars.


Funny People (2009) Boo!

inglês I couldn't watch it, so I turned it off about halfway through the movie. Sticking with a 2.5-hour long comedy that is also not funny at all is a superhuman feat for me. Plus, I couldn't watch my favorite actor Adam Sandler turn into a complete jerk in my eyes... Boo!