Os mais seguidos géneros / tipos / origens

  • Comédia
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  • Drama
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  • Aventura

Atores favoritos (10)

Christian Bale

The Prestige, The Dark Knight,Batman Begins, Harsh Times, The Fighter

Tom Hanks

Forrest Gump, Green Mile, Save the Private Rayen,Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code

Brad Pitt

Ocean's Crew :) ,Inglourious Basterds, Fight Club , Sleepers,  The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Morgan Freeman

Denny the Dog, The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight, Wanted, RED

Bruce Willis

Die Hard,Sin City,Expendables: Postradatelní,Můj soused zabiják, Poslední skaut, RED

Al Pacino

Devil's Advocate, Scar Face, The Godfather

Leonardo DiCaprio

Inception,Shutter Island, Blood Diamond, The Departed, Catch Me If You Can