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Críticas (129)


Annette (2021) 

inglês The musical is itself a genre that divides audiences, and I think this film will divide its fans into two camps: either you'll be excited by this rock opera or you'll be perplexed by it. Personally, I am in the latter category. Annette is a poetic story about love, professional jealousy, the flip side of popularity, and also about fatherhood and forgiveness. Already in the first minute, I got the impression that this was going to be a very weird film. The music by the Mael brothers, aka The Sparks, was catchy and I don't have a single complaint in that regard, but at times I found the lyrics a bit repetitive, and "We love each other so much" was still ringing in my head a few days after the film. I certainly appreciate that the story itself is quite simple, but it is presented in a very unpredictable way. Most of the time I had no idea where the film was heading, which meant I was in for a lot of surprises. For example, a newborn puppet child who clearly inherited Adam Driver's ears. I can understand this decision from a creative point of view, because metaphorically Annette does become a puppet of her parents who use her for their own purposes, but I found it very distracting, even comical. But maybe that's what made the final scene with "Pinocchio's transformation" all the more impressive and emotional. Marion Cotillard was a bit bland alongside her fellow actors this time. Adam Driver gives another riveting performance, and his friend Simon Helberg, the conductor, charmed me with his performance; I would have liked more space for him, because dramatic roles suit him, and I hope to see him more often in them. So what is the source of the perplexed feeling about this film? The singing of Marillon and Adam did not please my ears and their daughter Annette reminded me more of a Chucky doll. Finally, the fact that this film is such a dreamy mix of genres full of surprises that feels a bit cluttered, but at the same time paradoxically very ordinary, which can be just a bit confusing in the end.


A Baleia (2022) 

inglês It's been a long time since a film managed to evoke so much sadness, regret and compassion in me, and it's all the more surprising that it was Darren Aronofsky who did it. I know he's a highly respected director, but his films are not among my favorites, and I don't feel the need to revisit them (except for Requiem for a Dream). This film probably won't be an exception, but it definitely appealed to me more than his previous works. Apart from the very captivating music, the film stands mainly on Brendan Fraser's performance, which is incredible; considering how he pulls everything together with his voice, his face, his facial expressions, his eyes – the performance was incredible. Sadie Sink is undoubtedly a talented young actress, but unfortunately I didn't like her character. Of course, I understand where her anger, resentment, bitterness, maybe even hatred stems from, but I couldn't find my way to her. She was evil from start to finish, and the hint of reconciliation in the last second of the film wasn't enough to mollify me. Nevertheless, this is an interesting and novel piece of work, and one that emotionally swayed me quite a bit.


L'Innocent (2022) 

inglês Louis Garrel is undoubtedly a bearer of great talent. As a director, he managed to freshly combine a family drama with a heist romantic comedy. And as an actor, he is very unique, in that he is very low-key, but at the same time memorable and incredibly believable in expression and emotion. He plays the concern for his mother and best friend very sensitively, and is also very convincing in his distrust of his mother's new partner. These are qualities that can be observed in all his fellow actors. Above all, though, I'll single out Noémie Merlant, who is amazingly cute, likeable, and even though she's a goofball, she's believable. All of this coupled with an inventive script full of comic but also dramatic scenes combine to make a film worth seeing, and not just once.


Fire of Love (2022) 

inglês An extraordinarily compelling documentary about two courageous people who were united not only by their love for each other, but also by their love for the scientific study of volcanic eruptions, which was their life and fateful mission – undoubtedly a beautiful and fascinating hobby, just a bit unpredictable and full of pitfalls. While the vast majority of people run from this destructive element, Katia and Maurice Krafft tried to get as close as possible, and thanks to them, we can witness some incredibly beautiful and breathtaking footage.


Drive My Car (2021) 

inglês I try to enrich myself with Asian cinema from time to time, so I decided to watch this film because I came across it often. It is a very slow, sensitive and thoughtful story. We have to wait longer to uncover the characters' troubled pasts, but you won't be disappointed, this is a story of escape, reconciliation, forgiveness and hope. The performances are very moving, and despite the very long running time, managed to keep my attention until the end.


A Cruzada (2021) 

inglês It's time someone took the fight to save the planet firmly into their own hands – and why not the children? We tend to underestimate them, but they often hold up a mirror to us, and thanks to their innocence and selflessness we have a lot to learn from them. And the ease with which they communicate and conduct relationships is an inspiration. The beginning of the film, when the parents discover what their son has sold them, is wonderfully comic and funny. It's all so fresh, delightfully naive, utopian, critical.


France (2021) 

inglês I understand what the film is trying to say, but unfortunately it didn’t work on me. From Léa Seydoux's performance (I didn't believe a word she said, a single look, her misery) to the protracted pace of the film, I was terribly bored and suffered a lot. And the fact that I found every character extremely unlikeable certainly didn’t help. I always praise French cinema, but this one, unfortunately, I can neither praise nor recommend.


Nebenan (2021) 

inglês A brilliantly escalated psycho conversational drama. I really appreciate the gradual unveiling and escalation of the seriousness of the conversation between these two neighbors, it makes you wait a long time to see what will come out of it. And even though it's not very comedic in the end, I had a lot of fun when Bruno somehow always felt the need to criticize Daniel's works (putting down his acting performances, but also the scripts themselves) and how Daniel tried so hard to pretend that he wasn't affected at all and that he didn't care about the opinion of some ordinary viewer. And how he kept trying to leave, but kept coming back because he needed to know more; in that respect I found it hilariously funny, otherwise it was rather creepy. The direction and the acting are great. Daniel Brühl clearly has talent.


Boa Sorte, Leo Grande (2022) 

inglês This nice conversational drama offers a lot to think about and is full of the contrasts the main protagonists embody: young, confident, relaxed, spontaneous Leo Grande tries to fulfill the sexual desires of the older, uptight, stubborn and not very confident teacher Nancy, who is mostly very nice, but at the same time very unlikeable and intrusive for my taste. Emma Thompson plays her brilliantly as expected, and I must say she has my great admiration, she revealed herself with refinement. I guess one of the main ideas would be that it's never too late to change and try new things. Most of the scenes and dialogues felt very real to me, except for the last one with the former student in the hotel restaurant, but never mind, I forgive this little thing because I enjoyed the film overall.


A Sabedoria do Polvo (2020) 

inglês The most surprising documentary in my life. It's been a few days since I saw the film and I still have that warm feeling it evoked in me. I’m recommending it to everyone. An incredible caress to the soul. The last time I was this moved was maybe in 2011 with Intouchables. I’ve always loved octopi... on a plate, but now I can’t imagine myself eating one ever again! For the first time in my life I'm thinking about vegetarianism, and so far no film has managed to do that – even videos from slaughterhouses or factory farms have failed to have any effect on me, and yet this film doesn't even push the idea that eating animals is wrong. How is it possible? Because this documentary has a heart, it doesn't offer much in terms of science, just heart, love and respect for animals and nature. For me, just wow!