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Críticas (1 480)


Sleepers - Sentimento de Revolta (1996) 

inglês You know they are guilty, and the right thing to do would be to trust the system – they need to go to jail for the crime they committed. But the system has failed. So many times. That's why you want the priest to lie, perhaps you want it with all your heart. And then it comes. The three ticket stubs. The farewell party. Such beautiful, intuitive, guileless cheerfulness. Don’t fall for it. As soon as the credits roll you will learn that two of them will never make it to 30. And you find out that the injustice and mistakes never end. That's why 5 stars. It's over two hours long and I still feel like not even twenty minutes have passed since I put it on. Yeah, today was made for this movie.


Blades of Glory (2007) 

inglês The first half of the movie was pretty boring (them fighting, getting thrown out, throwing up in their costumes, tying up their skates, a loophole in the rules, etc...). But then I was flooded with a good shower of humor, and that was when they were training and when they "skated" their first game, during which it was mentioned what an advantage it is when both men are in a pair... :-D It was very funny! ;-))) Well, then it fell into that standard of Ferrell's films (Kicking and Screaming, Bewitched, Elf, Old School...), I didn't see anything new that surprised me, made me laugh... So it gets 3 stars, gentlemen... :-)


Heroes (2006) (série) 

inglês First season – excellent; second season – praiseworthy; third season – oh well, I turned it off after three episodes... I wasn't enjoying it that much, I was repulsed, but why? What happened? It's still the same heroes, the same characters, only what had they gotten into? What kind of storyline was that? I just don't get it... That's why I'm only rating up to season 2, but maybe one day I'll take the plunge and watch the rest of season 3 and find out that the maglaz was just for show and it's actually okay again, but what if it's not?


Dněvnoj dozor (2006) 

inglês I've avoided commenting on this film for a long time. Why? I told myself it was too subjective, too effusive, because everywhere I went I was singing its praises. It's just that even after a few weeks, I can't shake it. And come to think of it, I don't think I'll ever get rid of it... I thought that movie was absolutely amazing! I was entertained, I was absorbed by the effects, the actors, the story, which was not as chaotic – for me – as some here write. I fell even more in love with Anton and Kostya (too bad about what happens in the third book...).


Sluha dvou pánů (2000) (gravação de teatro) 

inglês If only all comedies were like this... The world would be a better place... A.k.a. long live pigeons, incredible poodles, and an exercise book splattered with bread. This is not bad, if only the ending wasn't so typically typical... ;-))) I mean: "Give me your hand. Now take mine" :-D (why does it only revolve around weddings, loves? – not that I don't wish it on him, Truffaldino's one intelligent fool...). Just a great and intelligent production.


The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2005) 

inglês I give it 2 stars for saying: "I loved your sister!" it felt real to me. The eyes at that... it was just the best moment of the whole movie for me... One look and it raises the rating... Interesting :-) Otherwise, it's a movie about nothing, it just bears the "famous" name The Crow, with the number 4... Crow X Devil = boring, not much, even a B-movie would be ashamed of its quality... But that look... ;-) is not enough to turn such dust into a "beautiful creature" again ...


Dr. House (2004) (série) 

inglês I can't say anything less about this one than that it's my sarcastic sunshine that comes out every Monday night... I love his catchphrases, sometimes they make me think. I like the doctor setting and the detective stories and House is a combination of both, so it's absolutely perfect for me! :-) Considering I'm almost all the way through season 5... Wow, I had no idea there were other avenues to go down that House and I didn't go down. This series is really worth it. The "grandiose" exit to the Obama administration. :-) Well, if his departure was "grandiose", then there is no word in the Czech dictionary for a sixth season.


Epic Movie (2007) Boo!

inglês I'd seen the trailers and it looked promising, so I figured why not, and I'm off to the video store to rent it... To this day I regret the CZK 45, I could have put it to much better use, like throwing it out the window, because I would have been happier with how it was used. Terrible crap, where the smile froze on my face, the wannabe funny lines are not funny, on the contrary they are the height of lame. Epic Movie is a bunch of failed, unfunny, unfunny, neanderthal, and to top it all off, moving images that emit weird and nonsensical screeches. No, thank you very much, never again...


Nočnoj dozor (2004) 

inglês I saw the movie again eight years later, unfortunately right after reading the book, so it didn't have the same impact on me as the first time I saw it. Still, it's still a movie to watch and again shows something different. So as I read my teenage commentary from "that" time, I thought I was being a jerk for so casually spoiling the thing, even though you can figure it out, that’s not right. And that's why I'm writing this introduction. Warning: teenage rant and spoiler follows. The movie didn't allow me to think much about why such and such was happening, as there was always something else going on. I didn't mind, on the contrary, I liked this "style" ... The best experience for me was the ending, when Anton learned that Yegor was his son, why Zavulon was playing Playstation and what the vampire with the disfigured face had to do with it all. The creation of the overall look of the film when the credits started left me with a thoughtful expression on my face, and I like that. :-) Just an interestingly expressed Russian view of the battle between Good and Evil. Mr. Lukyanenko, I'm going to go read your stuff!


Pocket Monsters: Mewtwo no gyakushū (1998) 

inglês Oh, how I loved it... Even now I can still watch the movie and not give a damn what anyone thinks ;-)) Just wondering why it's such a bad movie for you. Is it because of the Pokémon in it? So what? The story is sometimes even a hundred times better than some American blockbusters and that gets 4 stars ... Anyway, the Pokémon are on the move...