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Críticas (3 440)


The Bunny Game (2010) 

inglês (Wannabe) art exploitation indie (hint: the film is black and white and the protagonist is a prostitute :-O) for a very niche audience. Technically, it’s well made; it’s unsettling, perverted, not nice to watch and psychologically heavy. So if you are one of those viewers who may like a film with a plot that can be summarised as “Ugly, hirsute geezer kidnaps a sexual worker, locks her in a truck to abuse and torture her”, you’ll likely enjoy this one…


House of Fears (2007) 

inglês Consumer slasher flick. Nothing more, nothing less, but sometimes that’s enough. If your expectations aren’t high, you won’t get bored. An OK B-movie.


A Dama de Ferro (2011) 

inglês I think Margaret Thatcher was a very capable politician, especially when compared to today’s indecisive pansies, but I can’t say I’m very thrilled about “her” film. Meryl Streep delivers a superb performance, but that is the only thing worthy of attention. The rest is nothing but pleasant average that wants to fight on several fronts, without ever achieving a convincing victory on any.


Alta Golpada (2011) 

inglês The best joke coming out of this comedy is from the Czech distributor, who sold this screenwriting monstrosity under the name of "Master Plan".


S1m0ne (2002) 

inglês Andrew Niccol is a moron. He comes up with an original premise and manages to pull out some interesting thoughts and ideas out of it, only to drown it in an unconvincing execution and an unnecessarily naive package. S1m0ne is not the first time he’s done this, and won’t be the last. The balance between allegoric, serious sci-fi and oddball comedy simply doesn’t work out. It’s decent in the details, but as whole, S1m0ne is just silly. A pity.


A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) 

inglês An embarrassing, overstuffed masquerade where theatrical Asians jump around in comic costumes for an hour and a half. I’ll never watch the two sequels, I’m very sure of that.


Stormhouse (2011) 

inglês I have a weak spot for horror movies that take place in caves, catacombs, military bases, cellars – basically, any kind of dark underground space – but this one didn’t hit the spot. Stormhouse is unconvincing and boring (a supernatural entity is held in a military base staffed by about five soldiers that looks like it will suffer a blackout at any given moment), it does have several moments with an intense atmosphere, but as a whole, it has nothing interesting. Thumbs unfortunately down.


Homem na Lua (1999) 

inglês I was a fool for putting off this film for a year because, instead of trusting Forman, I was a afraid of the not very appealing duo of Carrey and DeVito and the story about a comedian I didn’t know. It’s always nice to be surprised and thrilled by a film that you would’ve never expected. Funny and impressive gem.


Os Marretas (2011) 

inglês An incredibly nice family movie with loads of jokes, feelings, pop-culture references for knowledgeable viewers, and a geyser of original ideas, together with the self-awareness of being in a movie (driving on a map, etc.). The Muppets are a universal medicine against bad mood and it should work on everyone. I appeal to parents to stop taking their kids to the cinema for crap like High School Musical, Twilight, or the fairytales of Zdeňek Troška, and instead take them to movies like The Muppets – happy, cute, nice, funny and tasteful.


Amor à Queima Roupa (1993) 

inglês This is Tony Scott’s best film, hands down. A big share of that goes to Quentin Tarantino’s playful script that sets True Romance apart from Scott’s newer good films, like Enemy of the State. This film is not only nice to watch, but it’s at least equally nice to listen to the dialogues.