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Críticas (3 441)


Lenßen & Partner (2003) (série) Boo!

inglês Before they started broadcasting Lenßen & Partner here, TV Nova said that it was a big hit in Germany. After watching a few episodes I came to two possible conclusions: A) The Germans have bad taste. B) TV Nova lies. Really, it doesn’t deserve more than Boo!


Mulberry Street (2006) 

inglês Mulberry Street or the rats attack again, but different this time. It’s not just another take on the same film we’ve seen many times about an overpopulation of aggressive rodents, it’s actually zombie horror where, instead of the undead, the main role is played by “rat people”. The make-up effects are quite good, but the main problem for me are the unlikeable characters and that some of the action scenes are confusing. I didn’t expect much from this film, but it turned out to be a nice little horror flick with a good atmosphere.


Palpitações (1990) 

inglês Five stars for the fact that when I was 7, Tremors had the power to make me walk only on hard surfaces… Today it’s great fun.


Veio do Outro Mundo (1982) 

inglês The story is about a group of American scientists at a research station in Antarctica fighting against an extraterrestrial creature that can take human form. The film’s biggest strength is its superb atmosphere, which relies on the ubiquitous tension and mistrust among the main characters, and it’s amplified by the endless ice plains. But the “beautiful” creature effects are not very far behind and even the orthodox fans of bloody horror will get their fill. The Thing is hands down one of John Carpenter’s best films.


Fim-de-Semana Alucinante (1972) 

inglês The 1970s is the era that basically gave shape to modern horror. It’s when the constant reworking of classic monsters was replaced with original ideas that gave birth to new subgenres. Deliverance, for instance, defined hixploitation and became the most quoted horror film ever.


2001 Maniacs (2005) 

inglês I didn’t like this film at all, even though I really looked forward to it. It has a couple of good ideas (almost all the murders are original), but the execution is too amateurish for my taste, it doesn't look realistic at all. For me it was disappointing. 45%


O Predador (1987) 

inglês Arnie’s best movie :) Horror movie of the year.


A Luz (1980) 

inglês The only horror film in the filmography of the great Stanley Kubrick. It might sound like a paradox, but I prefer other films of his. Regardless, The Shining is extraordinarily well made.


Misery - O Capítulo Final (1990) 

inglês There are quite a few good Stephen King adaptations, but this one is one of the best. The atmosphere is thick throughout, with a tension that escalates incredibly by the end, and with Kathy Bates creating one of the most terrifying psychopaths in cinema history. 90%


A Mosca (1986) 

inglês The most famous horror film metamorphosis. When teleportation is invented, it will be to it what Jaws was for swimming in the sea.