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Críticas (7 537)


Emily em Paris - Básica (2020) (episódio) 

inglês The sixth episode was full of comebacks. The creators went back to their usual style, bringing back the humor, and company matters, which earned back my four-star rating. They didn't just bring back old elements; they added some new ones too. Admittedly, I could have done without Mindy's musical number — I prefer hearing her speak — but I did enjoy the counting of deaths, which reminded me of how much I liked the movie The Little Death (2014). / Lesson learned: People don't usually look forward to death, unless it's the little death.


Mad Men - The Quality of Mercy (2013) (episódio) 

inglês Just like the previous two episodes, the twelfth one mostly delved into the relationships between the characters. However, this time around, everything just clicked for me. There was something about the atmosphere in this episode that felt slightly better. While the storyline at the boarding school didn't quite grab me, the return journey with Betty made up for it. / Lesson learned: Why admit to an alcohol problem when it's mainly its absence that's killing you?


Mad Men - Favors (2013) (episódio) 

inglês While I get that fooling around with neighbors, rescuing one's mother from moral decay, and a hunt for a rat can all be a part of the story, I was hoping for more development on the professional level. Things were supposed to be happening at the agency, but due to the aforementioned distractions, there was no time for that. / Lesson learned: Want to have fun? Leave the key in the door on the inside.


Emily em Paris - Falsos amigos (2020) (episódio) 

inglês The plot felt a bit awkward this time around, there was too much emphasis on Instagram for my liking, and the humor seemed to be lacking. Not even the Eiffel Tower could save it. / Lesson learned: If people at work throw obstacles your way, throw them right back.


Mad Men - A Tale of Two Cities (2013) (episódio) 

inglês In the tenth episode, pretty much everything revolved around the agency and had a significant impact on the main storyline. Despite this, I couldn't give the episode five stars. There was just something that didn't quite click for me. I can't put my finger on whether it was the business trip to Los Angeles or Donovan getting high again that threw it off, but something did disrupt the overall flow. / Lesson learned: Don't get stoned if you plan on swimming. Or better yet, don't swim when you're high.


Emily em Paris - Um beijo é só um beijo (2020) (episódio) 

inglês Every episode so far has maintained a sense of lightness, humor, and pace, all while driving the story forward. Now, all I can do is enjoy the ride and eagerly anticipate what's to come. / Lesson learned: Be cautious. You never know what you might be stepping into.


Emily em Paris - Sexy ou sexista (2020) (episódio) 

inglês I found myself really enjoying the third episode, which brought a sense of nostalgia because it reminded me of a time when the American puritanical approach hadn't yet infected Europe. / Lesson learned: Reactionary and obscurantist attitudes always win.


Mad Men - The Better Half (2013) (episódio) 

inglês Oh well, this was another one of those relationship-centric episodes. They're not bad at all; they're well-written and enjoyable to watch. But, they contribute almost nothing to the main storyline. That's what bothers me a bit. I'm not too thrilled when the focus completely shifts away from the agency, especially since it's where the most interesting events tend to happen. / Lesson learned: What happens at summer camp, stays at summer camp.


Emily em Paris - Palavras masculinas (2020) (episódio) 

inglês The creators injected a larger dose of humor into this episode, so I enjoyed it more than the first one. Even though I'm not exactly the target audience, I'm having a good time watching this series for girls who like Instagram, so the creators must be doing something right. / Lesson learned: Paris is the city of love; you won't find a better place to end a relationship.


Mad Men - The Crash (2013) (episódio) 

inglês I'd say the word 'weird' describes this episode quite well. Reminds me of a joke: A guy goes out onto his balcony, lights up a joint, takes a puff, and thinks to himself, 'That's odd. I'm not getting high.' Suddenly, there's a loud noise, and a fiery ball streaks across the sky. The guy jumps, and as he starts to calm down, he hears another loud roar and there goes another fiery ball. Now he's shaking, hiding behind the railing, too scared to move. Then, another roar and another fiery ball. Trembling, he stays put, and then he hears his wife's voice from inside, 'Honey, are you alright? You've been out on that balcony for three days!' That pretty much sums up this episode for me. / Lesson learned: Leave the door unlocked at night; family might pay a surprise visit.