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Críticas (7 537)


Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet - Blood Ocean (2020) (episódio) 

inglês The title of this episode might be a bit misleading, but the chaos within the company and Poppy's despair were perfect. This episode really hit home with my belief that people are often the root of all problems. When you run a company, you're faced with two major challenges: dealing with the people you employ and convincing people to buy your product. And if you're an employee, you have to navigate working with the people above you, cooperating with other people, and hoping people buy the product your company produces. An this goes on and on. Oh, and blood ocean! While I didn't quite grasp its significance in the game, I enjoyed looking at it. / Lesson learned: Don't forget to disinfect.


Mad Men - The Flood (2013) (episódio) 

inglês The fifth episode left me with mixed feelings. The creators did a fantastic job using significant historical events which had an impact on all the characters' lives, creating an almost tangible atmosphere. However, I couldn't help but feel a bit let down by the plot, which seemed pointless and didn't quite tie into the main storyline as much as I'd hoped. / Lesson learned: You just have to wait for the right moment, grab a crowbar, and head to the nearest electronics store.


Ladrões Com Estilo (2012) 

inglês This one was a letdown for me. It feels like a case of wasting the actors' potential. Colin Firth, once again, played a variation of Mr. Darcy, which I don't mean as criticism — I think he nails those dry, uptight characters. I might have enjoyed it more if the film had a stronger screenplay. Alan Rickman, while still exuding his unmistakable charisma, didn't have much to work with. Stanley Tucci's role felt especially poorly written, which was a shame. As for Cameron Diaz, she just doesn't do it for me. The biggest issue, though, was that the story didn't really go anywhere. I found it hard to laugh when the cast delivered lines that felt more at home in comedies like American Pie. / Lesson learned: Do you happen to own original works by famous painters? Give them a wash, just to be safe.


Mad Men - To Have and to Hold (2013) (episódio) 

inglês This time around, the four stars felt well-deserved because there was no beating around the bush — the events were directly related to the company instead of relationships, which I found really engaging. The series creators must have done something right to keep even a guy like me, who can't stand advertising, entertained. 4*+


Mad Men - Collaborators (2013) (episódio) 

inglês I bumped up my rating to four stars for this episode, mostly because it was a definite improvement from the previous disappointment. However, I can't say I was thrilled with it. Once again, the creators did what I've criticized them for before: they packaged everything nicely, filled it with what seemed like an interesting plot, and left me thinking everything was fine. But then I realized it was just another ploy to distract from the fact that nothing significant actually happened throughout the entire episode. / Lesson learned: When you're always chasing for more, you might end up with nothing at all.


Oz: O Grande e Poderoso (2013) 

inglês I might have considered adding an extra star if the creators hadn't shamelessly borrowed from Tim Burton and added colors that reminded me of Pushing Daisies. Unfortunately, the movie didn't quite hit the mark for me. Rachel Weisz was more appealing to my eye than Michelle Williams, so it didn't take long for me to realize I was leaning toward the dark side of the force. Mila Kunis was also in the mix, whom I'm not particularly fond of. Thankfully, she underwent a transformation early on and became more tolerable. But let's be honest, it didn't salvage the story, and I can't say I was impressed by this prequel to Dorothy's adventures. / Lesson learned: Even a warehouse worker in a factory can read Virgil in the original, and even a carnival magician can become a king.


Deixa o amor entrar (2014) 

inglês Lily Collins is in this movie, which is a plus in my book. The beginning was funny and quirky enough to hook me, but the rest of it didn't quite maintain that excitement on the rewatch. My good mood started to fade the moment it all took a nosedive into a sappy love story, with some truly ridiculous time and space travel that didn't seem to serve any purpose other than to drag the film on for over an hour. I've been out of my teenage years for a while now, so I couldn't relate to all that beating around the bush anymore. The whole thing felt completely unrealistic to me (and if this is someone's reality, then I'd recommend a psychiatrist or a shotgun, whichever they prefer). Instead of enjoying it, the plot started to grate on my nerves. The ending which was straight out of a Rosamund Pilcher novel didn't help it much either. / Lesson learned: This film contains a guide on how to mess up your life in three intense seconds. 3*-


Mad Men - The Doorway, Part 2 (2013) (episódio) 

inglês I won't deny that the creators made an effort to convey something, and I'll take the blame for not fully grasping what it was. However, I just didn't find it enjoyable. The entire episode seemed to drag, with certain plot points making little sense to me (like Betty's quest to find Sandy — seriously, who is Sandy?). I'd go so far as to say it was one of the weakest episodes of Mad Men ever. / Lesson learned: Don't try to have fun at a funeral.


Mad Men - The Doorway, Part 1 (2013) (episódio) 

inglês The episode didn't really bring anything substantial, unless we're counting the new fashion trend and the hairstyle change that went with it. Various subplots were introduced that seemed like dead ends to me. I can't see how these unnecessary plot lines could have any real impact on the overall story. / Lesson learned: When you've got the time and money, consider a vacation in Hawaii. 4*-


Coffee Town (2013) 

inglês I found myself enjoying this comedy even more on a rewatch after all these years. The whole concept was brilliant, well-executed, and the acting was spot on. Only a few weaker moments held it back from getting five stars. What made it even more engaging was how it boldly disregarded political correctness (though the creators seemed fully aware of it), offering up plenty of life lessons along the way. I now know that if I want to make an impression on a woman, I must adequately belittle her. I've learned that exercising in the bathroom is not the best idea, and I've even picked up some tips on how to organize a tournament for "normal" people against the "special" ones. However, the greatest moral takeaway was the reminder that for the right cause, one must not be afraid to risk their life. / Lesson learned: Want to win over your chosen one? Even if it's called a laptop, never, I repeat, never put it on your lap.