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Críticas (7 691)


Criada - Ladrão (2021) (episódio) 

inglês Well, last Thanksgiving is now a distant memory, much like the calmer plotlines of this series. This time, Alex finds herself once again taking blows from life, one after another. If I were a believer in a higher power, I'd say the main character must have seriously angered it even as an embryo, or she's somehow inspired boundless hatred from this all-powerful entity with her mere existence. But since I'm not a believer in such things, I have to conclude that Alex just has a relentless streak of bad luck. / Lesson learned: Always lock up thoroughly.


Criada - Caxemira (2021) (episódio) 

inglês The pace and the plot of this episode weren't particularly remarkable, but I found myself quite entertained by another of Alex's missteps. They must have hypnotized me or something because I suddenly felt intense relief at not being a wealthy individual (sic!), and not having to worry about strangers openly raiding my fridge and stealing cashmere sweaters. / Lesson learned: Value your privacy? Tidy up yourself.


Criada - Vidro do mar (2021) (episódio) 

inglês Despite the unexpectedly optimistic ending (by local standards), I'm not seeing a vibrant future for the story. If it were just about a romantic relationship, there might be some hope (although I wouldn't bet on it too much), but the creators have also decided to involve a powerful System with all its Vogons and their colorful forms in the plot, leaving individuals with little chance. Margaret Qualley and Andie MacDowell shine in their roles, and I'm eagerly anticipating more of their scenes together. / Lesson learned: If you have a barn, make sure there's no valuable artwork inside.


Criada - Pôneis (2021) (episódio) 

inglês Fans of the action genre and those weary of the influx of seemingly invincible female heroes might not find this series appealing. However, despite my usual aversion to quotas, political correctness, and forced gender equality, I am surprisingly pleased with this one. Alex is an incredibly relatable character, her story avoids excessive sentimentality (if anything, it's refreshingly raw), and as a drama, it hits the mark for me. / Lesson learned: Always pay for the provided services.


Criada - Imitações baratas (2021) (episódio) 

inglês Well, it's safe to say that this series is shaping up to be quite the somber journey after just the first episode. What the main heroine is grappling with can be summed up as playing a bad hand. Any hope for a brighter future seems distant. What isn't bad due to others' fault, Alex makes up for with her own flawed decisions. I usually reserve three stars for pilot episodes, but in this case, it seems the downward spiral of the main character warranted an extra star. / Lesson learned: When life feels like it's crumbling in your hands, be sure that it will only get worse.


Na Lista do Assassino (1988) 

inglês Yet another chapter in the Dirty Harry saga. Much like its predecessor Sudden Impact, it has solidified for me that the 70s version of Harry Callahan was better than his 80s version. It's not necessarily about the character's advancing age; the older stories simply felt more gripping. This time, the main villain was shrouded in mystery for quite some time, but upon reveal, he fell flat for me, barely registering as noteworthy. Harry seemed to spend more time at dinners than delivering his trademark dry remarks, and if not for the Italian mafiosos, I might have struggled to stay entertained. / Lesson learned: When aiming for a catch, it's best to wield a harpoon. 3*-


Impacto Súbito (1983) 

inglês In this movie, Harry Callahan was a dozen years older than in his first film, but oddly enough, that wasn't the issue. The main flaw of the film was its inability to immerse me fully into its world. Throughout, it felt like I was merely watching moving pictures rather than being drawn into the plot. Clint Eastwood's direction didn't quite hit the mark for me. The lack of logical consistency and the presence of some entirely unnecessary characters added to the overall unconvincing nature of the film. It didn't manage to fully win me over years ago when I first watched it, and upon revisiting it today, my initial impression was only reinforced. / Lesson learned: Be cautious around carousels. 3*-


Harry - O Detective em Acção (1973) 

inglês The follow-up to Dirty Harry brought back the iconic main character along with a small crowd of killers, though I'm not entirely convinced it added to the story. None of the villains managed to smirk arrogantly enough to make me eagerly anticipate their teeth being knocked out. Harry Callahan, true to form, remained cool as ever, echoing my sentiments from the previous installment. However, this time around, the story lacked a clear direction. Despite these critiques and its age, the film managed to captivate me more than many contemporary works, delivering an enjoyable experience once again. / Lesson learned: It's probably wiser not to provoke the traffic police. 4*-


Viva La Dirt League (2011) (série) 

inglês Of all the funny content that can be found on YouTube, these minimalist episodes of a group of guys analyzing the peculiar logic of online games are my favorite. It's simply because I have been encountering similar characters in various gaming worlds for over a decade, so this often makes me laugh out loud. On the other hand, I suspect that a viewer unfamiliar with the issue may not see the appeal. Personally, I find the execution of some scenes almost brilliant :-) Oh, and Britt Scott Clark also appears in it. / Lesson learned: Even a garlic grower and seller can yearn for adventure.


Baelin's Route: An Epic NPC Man Adventure (2021) 

inglês Warning: This review is purely a subjective matter of an individual who has spent many years in the world of World of Warcraft. Viva La Dirt League are a group of enthusiasts who make fun of players, game worlds (especially their shortcomings), and themselves. They are really good at it. Maybe even a viewer who has never played online games can enjoy their ultra-short works, but certainly not as much as us, semi-professionals. This team simply knows what they're doing, so I regularly exercise my diaphragm while watching their creations, but Baelin's Route is quite different. Not only in terms of its length, but also because it had a more professional vibe. Once again, I had plenty of opportunities to burst out laughing, but at certain moments, it all had an unexpected depth that I didn't expect from these guys. I do not recommend it for film fans, but it is a must-watch for online game players. / Lesson learned: Treat NPCs nicely, you never know...