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  • Drama
  • Comédia
  • Filme policial
  • Ação
  • Terror

Críticas (7 691)


Laços de Ternura (1983) 

inglês What a strange movie. At times, I felt like I should be bored (but I wasn't), at times, I felt like I should hate all the characters (but the opposite was true), and I also had the feeling that I should complain about the overly long running time. Still, considering the periods the creators took me through, I appreciate that the whole thing had a relatively moderate two-hour running time. Given the direction the story was going, I was expecting a manipulative play on emotions underscored by sentimental melodies, but then I realized that the movie was made in a different time. Even in the most agonizing moments, the characters didn't just recite clichéd empty phrases. The screenwriter continued to supply them with meaningful lines. Shirley MacLaine was great again; Jack Nicholson balanced between sleazy and demonic (and I won't forget his ultra-short robe anytime soon). All the performances were outstanding. I had one major problem with the story; mainly in the first third, it seemed somewhat chaotic and messy, but it improved over time. / "A few years back, you invited me to lunch. I wondered if the invitation still exists." / "I like the lights on." "Then go home and turn them on." / Lesson learned: The worst thing I have experienced in my life so far was displays of sympathy. Be it genuine or fake.


O Apartamento (1960) 

inglês Drama / Comedy / Romance - I never expect to have fun when I see this combination of genres. Apparently, life still has some surprises up its sleeve for me. I enjoyed the story of a decent, conscientious office worker/love hotel manager. I didn't laugh so hard I cried, but it was an excellent drama that occasionally made me smile. The story was based on a clichéd (but still relevant) relationship between a young woman and an "unhappily" married man, but C.C. Baxter, played by Jack Lemmon, gave this predictable movie a whole other level. I was thrilled to watch every unintentionally cruel sentence uttered by Fran Kubelik tear the heartbroken lover to pieces. He always managed to collect himself, only to be dying in agonizing pain shortly after. Jack Lemmon was perfect, Shirley MacLaine was wonderful and charming, and the movie had much more to offer than it promised, leaving me in a very peculiar mood. I was delighted, hence the five stars. / "Where'll we go? My place or yours?" "Might as well go to mine. Everybody else does." / Lesson learned: Committing suicide in someone else's apartment is extremely inconsiderate.


Ničija zemlja (2001) 

inglês I can tell a good anti-war film by how it affects me. If the message doesn't hit me hard, it's just a waste of financial resources. The creators of this film didn't waste any, and the message hit hard. I could hardly find a better depiction of the senselessness of war. There is no doubt that soldiers essentially function as a group of armed tourists, and although there are capable and determined people among them, their leadership cancels them out. If the story didn't take place outdoors, it could have been considered a chamber film. However, the story was so intense that it easily beats many so-called blockbusters. / "Maybe you could get a close of them clearing the mine." / Lesson learned: There are situations you can't get out of, even if you tried so hard you shit yourself.


Father Goose (1964) 

inglês As a person interested in the Second World War (especially the Pacific), I critically scrutinize the technology, weapons, and uniforms used in films, so I couldn't possibly like this one. But I tried to ignore the amateur pedant-historian in me because I was in a good mood and knew it would be a comedy. I quite enjoyed the delightful British sneakiness of Big Bad Wolf and the genuine despair of the heavily pursued Mother Goose. Cary Grant played the exact same character as always (which definitely didn't bother me). Leslie Caron was also a suitable choice, and I somehow put up with those children. The overall impression would have been even better if the writing didn't leave a little to be desired. Even so, I had a great time and didn't feel like going below four stars. / Lesson learned: Don't go to a deserted island without a crate of whiskey and a beautiful French woman.


Venus (2022) 

inglês I was gradually drawn in. After meeting Auntie Galga, a people locator, I even considered giving it five stars. The film's highlight was the bathroom encounter with the one whose name corresponded to the name of the building, but from then on, the initially action-horror spectacle started going downhill. The whole plot started to resemble a failed farce, completely burying the well-built atmosphere and not only losing me but also two stars, which suddenly felt excessive. / Lesson learned: The idea with the pills was not very original. I've seen a much better version in The Russian Bride.


A Baleia (2022) 

inglês It makes me happy whenever a movie draws me in so perfectly that I forget it's just a movie. And this one did it extremely well. I know Brendan Fraser as more of a comedic actor, but he convinced me that he deserves an award for his performance here. I consider the Oscars highly politically influenced, but if it makes anyone happy, let it be Brendan Fraser. Fans of more action-packed spectacles might not enjoy this film, but I really immersed myself in the story and enjoyed watching the protagonist whose suicide was agonizingly slow, as well as all the secondary, undernourished characters. I really enjoyed the character of Liz, who was smaller in size but 10 feet tall at heart, and Sadie Sink as the bitchy Ellie. Despite being profound, the film did not dissolve into boring philosophizing about the transience of human life. On the contrary, the creators spiced it up with a pizza night that turned into an evening with Mr. Creosote, and I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't help but notice that the Heimlich maneuver has evolved, and I'm glad that there was space for occasional flashes of subtle humor. / "You say you're sorry one more time, I will shove a knife right into you, I swear to god!" "Go ahead, what's it gonna do? My internal organs are two feet in, at least." / Lesson learned: If you decide to commit suicide, be aware that some methods are time-consuming and financially demanding. 5*-


The Getaway (1972) 

inglês The Getaway is another movie that the great series The Offer led me to. And in this case, I definitely didn't regret it because it was an excellent thriller. The gun action scenes haven't aged well; however, what bothered me more were the occasional logic holes. Although I have never approached a bank counter with a weapon and made demands incompatible with the law, I would take care of the security guy first if I had such an urge. The crew felt the same way about it but then came the nonsense with the freely available revolver. I get that it made things easier for Mr. Peckinpah, but I wasn't impressed. However, as I have already mentioned, besides similar logical flaws, I really enjoyed the film. Besides the charismatic Doc McCoy and the beautiful Carol McCoy, I also liked Harold, the vet whose life didn't treat him well. / Lesson learned: You won't find a worse place for a shootout with the police than Texas.


Caminho para Dois (1967) 

inglês The film was undoubtedly interesting. I enjoyed how the creators played with all the different timelines, whose intertwining was handled so perfectly that it occasionally confused me. However, there were also things I didn't like so much. With some passages, I had to make an effort to concentrate because I was getting bored, and my thoughts began to wander. As for the two main characters, Mark sometimes seemed like a moron, and Audrey Hepburn played Joanna, so I would have liked her even if she were killing and dissecting little kittens. Well, if she had taken care of little Ruthie in the same way, I would have been thrilled. / Lesson learned: Relationships need constant work.


Charada (1963) 

inglês Charade brought me a mix of pleasant and unpleasant feelings. I didn't like the logic holes, and I felt like the director couldn't find a way to resolve some scenes and let them go too far. Reggie was adorable, but she fell in love too easily and too often, which greatly spoiled the overall impression. But despite being so negative about it, I enjoyed the movie despite its flaws. I liked the humor in it, and I enjoyed watching all those youngsters in action. To my surprise, I realized that I must have seen the movie before; I didn't remember it, but some scenes were extremely familiar. / "I love you, Adam." "Yes, you told me." "No. The last time I said, 'I love you, Alex'." "Oh." / Lesson learned: If a woman doesn't want too many children, she should choose a partner with one or two first names maximum. 4*-


Money Shot: The Pornhub Story (2023) 

inglês The one star in my rating corresponds to the amount of interesting content in this documentary. It just proves that Puritanism is still prevalent, especially on the North American continent, so a group of fanatics occasionally imposes some prohibition to benefit society without realizing (or simply not caring) that it will only make things worse. Porn is gross because it shows something as disgusting and unhygienic as sex (sometimes even in broad daylight and without clothing!!!) without a hint of love. As I'm single for understandable reasons, it would be a disaster without porn, and even though I am a healthy consumer of it (a term used in this documentary), I don't notice any negative consequences on myself. However, when I watch a movie full of love based on Rosamunde Pilcher's books, I start pondering the fastest way to end my life within the first ten minutes. As for helping abused children, maybe all these do-gooder organizations should strive to ensure that the priests who like to cuddle with altar boys get punished and that convicted pedophiles cannot organize children's camps. / Lesson learned: If someone wanted to deter me from looking at porn sites, they should stuff them with Gwen's work.