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Críticas (7 537)


Fern Brady: Autistic Bikini Queen (2024) (programa) 

inglês Today was a stand-up comedy jackpot for me. Netflix introduced me to Fern Brady, and boy, was it a discovery! It's becoming increasingly clear to me that comedians must be somehow mentally disturbed to excel in their craft. Right from the start, her unique accent and pleasantly husky voice grabbed my attention, and when she backed it up with top-notch jokes, I knew I was in for a treat. Needless to say, I had a blast. / Lesson learned: Every volunteer should take a page out of Ollie's book.


Chelsea Handler: Revolution (2022) (programa) 

inglês Chelsea Handler was a new discovery for me, and I must admit, I had some mixed feelings at first. There was this interesting contrast between what I saw and what I heard. On one hand, I was thoroughly entertained — I'm a sucker for black humor, and a woman who nails it is even better. But on the other hand, there was something unsettling about watching a comedian with a stone-cold face like a cyborg and the icy gaze of a sniper. Still, I appreciated her unique perspective as she cracked jokes from the perspective of a rich, snobbish white woman. It was a first for me, and I found myself enjoying it more than I expected. / Lesson learned: You'd better not wear flip-flops, unless you want to end up in Guantánamo.


Good on Paper (2021) 

inglês Yesterday, I saw Iliza Shlesinger's stand-up special, which was a blast, and then stumbled upon her acting in a movie. Honestly? I didn't have high hopes, as even the best stand-up comedians often struggle as actors. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. I found myself laughing out loud at times, though there were moments where the pace dragged a bit, and I breathed a sigh of relief when the credits finally rolled. Still, I have to give credit where it's due: Shlesinger manages to weave feminist ideas into the film with a light, humorous touch that appeals to both genders. The comedy was no masterpiece, but it's definitely something men can enjoy without cringing at the jokes. Only those who take themselves too seriously might feel a bit uneasy. / "Let's look at the bright side. Maybe his mom does have cancer."  - "What?" - "I guess that's being too optimistic."


The Last Kingdom - Episode 7 (2022) (episódio) 

inglês While I was pleased with the direction of the previous episode, this one fell short of expectations. While I applaud the exploration of politics, the heavy focus on anti-partisan conflict didn't quite resonate with me. Particularly, the confrontation with the first and only York partisan dampened my overall enjoyment. P.S. Anyone who's ever wielded a hammer against a sixty-meter concrete sidewalk knows that certain fight scenes could use a more realistic portrayal. / Lesson learned: Standing your ground may lead to ending up lying in a pool of blood and your own entrails.


Iliza Shlesinger: Hot Forever (2022) (programa) 

inglês Whenever I encounter a feminist who doesn't want to kill men or at least cut off certain body parts, but instead offers guidance to them on navigating unfamiliar situations, I'm filled with joy. While I've been through my fair share of experiences, the topics discussed weren't entirely new to me, yet I thoroughly enjoyed this educational and refreshingly humorous special. Iliza Shlesinger tackled every topic in a way that resonated with me, and I appreciated her approach, especially in contrast to the overly militant feminism that I'm getting sick of. It's evident that this stand-up comedian knows her craft well, and if anyone takes offense to her words, they should reconsider their perspective. / Lesson learned: Triumph of spirit over matter is always a cause for celebration.


Confessa, Fletch (2022) 

inglês Initially, it promised to be an intriguing and entertaining ride, but then the humor took a nosedive, transforming into a well-cast yet somewhat silly affair. It's not that the main character wasn't funny; the issue for me was the shift from witty banter to slapstick comedy over time. Witnessing one of the characters clumsily spill a cocktail was the moment I felt my enthusiasm wane. However, I couldn't help but be amused, even thrilled, by the encounter between I.M. Fletcher and Frank Jaffe (a nod to Mad Men fans). Additionally, I developed a fondness for Lorenza Izzo and her charming Italian-English. / Lesson learned: Sometimes, even the ugliest picture may hold unexpected value, so it's worth taking a second look before throwing it away.


The Last Kingdom - Episode 6 (2022) (episódio) 

inglês Who would've guessed that amidst the somewhat lackluster sixth season, the creators could pull off an episode rivaling the heights of previous seasons? Certainly not me, but here we are. The episode delivered on all fronts - it was packed with atmosphere, tension, and even served up some impactful action. If only they'd trimmed down Brida's aimless wandering, it could have easily earned that missing fifth star. / Lesson learned: Never trust frozen water. 4*+


Leslie Jones: Time Machine (2020) (programa) 

inglês Black stand-up comedians usually don't resonate with me, mainly because the humor often relies heavily on cultural references that I might not fully grasp. However, Leslie Jones managed to break through that barrier and genuinely entertain me. Despite her special being unabashedly loud (there's no sugarcoating it), she still kept me engaged. Plus, I appreciated her digs at the overly sensitive younger generation, who seem to turn every minor issue into a therapy session. That resonated with me on a whole other level. So, despite its flaws, I felt compelled to give it a generous four-star rating. / Lesson learned: Forget about time machines. 4*-


Mannekäng i rött (1958) 

inglês While it wasn't terrible for its 1958 release, I must admit I found the movie dragging a bit in its final act. A skilled editor could undoubtedly have shaped it into a more visually pleasing experience with a much more bearable running time. Overall, it was a pleasant surprise, offering moments of enjoyment, though I could have done without the character of Freddy, who failed to grow on me. I've never understood the trend of injecting unnecessary yet humorous characters into plots. The cinematography was solid, and the sound was commendable, although at times, it felt like I was enduring a dentist's ultrasonic scaler. "A dagger in the back, a house on fire, a noose around the neck. Surely it's the same perpetrator." Talk about random. Despite some rough edges, it's a decent thriller that earns a solid three stars from me.


Snoop Dogg's F*cn Around Comedy Special (2022) (programa) 

inglês Well, this one didn't quite hit the mark for me. The special boasted a lineup of promising stand-up comedians, but either their humor didn't quite land for me, or I just couldn't connect with it. Not to say there weren't bright spots — moments poking fun at BLM and Will Smith had me chuckling. But for the most part, I was pretty indifferent as a viewer.