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Críticas (3 550)


Oggy et les cafards (2013) 

inglês It's actually a very wacky paraphrase of Buster Keaton's feature-length triple feature Three Ages. Oggy, Jack, the cockroaches and other old friends spend the first tale in the Stone Age, the second in the Middle Ages and the third in Holmesian England, with the first two stays being better than the third, which I wouldn't completely dismiss, though, as it also has some great moments. On the other hand, I found the Star Wars-style epilogue to be a bit of an unnecessary addition, as the modern animation took away much of the atmosphere.


The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) 

inglês It starts well, but gradually becomes a boring film. The chemistry between Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway is at times palpable (especially during the chess game), but what good is it if I don't care much about the whole thing, let alone get excited about it. The year younger British answer to The Italian Job with Michael Caine is in a completely different league.


Longe dos Homens (2014) 

inglês A slow and quiet melancholic film with a great atmosphere and a commendable idea. However, it bothered me a bit that as an almost entirely uninitiated viewer it took a long time for me to figure out who was with whom, against whom and why.


A Mulher de Negro (2012) 

inglês An honest old-fashioned horror film with an atmosphere as thick as the fog that envelops everything and haunts everyone in it. No grossness, just suspense, not so many scares that its excessive, and lots and lots of impressive scenes - the one with the carriage pulling is clearly the best. Perhaps only Daniel Radcliffe seemed too young for the lead role - if his son were a few years younger, it would have been more natural and believable.


Brooklyn (2015) 

inglês Pure romance, a joy to behold. If you're gonna film the red library, please do it like this. Pleasant, with insight (the novel was adapted by Nick Hornby), with a good period atmosphere and above all with actors and actresses whom you believe everything - every smile, every worry. Especially the gradually blossoming Saoirse Ronan would make anyone fall in love, and when that fragile ethereal creature cries, it can move a stone to emotion. I don't see any reason to give it a lower rating just because "it's an ordinary romance", which may be true, but it depends on the impression it made on me. And the impression is 100%.


Blade III: Trinity (2004) 

inglês "That's a piece of his armor. From that, we were able to deduce by computer what the scum probably looked like." Yes, that's exactly what one of the characters in Blade: Trinity says, deadly serious, and that's exactly how stupid the whole movie is. I expected it to be worse than del Toro's sensational, playful and imaginative second part, but I didn't think it would be worse than the mediocre first part. And yet it is. Blade kind of isn't Blade anymore, a lot of it is saved by Ryan Reynolds (the only actor in the entire cast who manages to be both funny and likable), and I can't imagine a more awkward villain than this pimped out dullard Dracula aka Drake or whoever. All in all, I really only liked the scene with the dogs.


Ave, César! (2016) 

inglês It's actually another feature-length Jewish anecdote from the Coen brothers, this time on the subject of belief in anything (in God, the Party, oneself, Hollywood...) and how and why it can be denied to the point of being denied. However, unlike (for example) A Serious Man, I would say that this is a much more accessible anecdote, in which jokes so dry that they almost make you gag alternate with those that provoke incredible bursts of laughter. I enjoyed it very much and the period atmosphere, abundantly supported by Deakins' beautiful cinematography and Burwell's easily recognizable music, was downright magical. "Hobie Doyle? Are you also a communist?"


Hřmění divadla Sklep (2000) (gravação de teatro) 

inglês It's a shame it's so short or that there haven't been more episodes, because let's be honest - who cares about basketball? I'm glad that Hřmění divadla Sklep isn't just about analyzing the Bible, which everyone knows, but that the other scenes are also worthwhile. Macháček's country truck is flawless, David Vávra's dance (to Williams' Cantina band from Star Wars!) is very strange and funny, and the final song "Pánbu is king" (text: Tomáš Hanák) almost gave me a mercy blow: "When the wolf is biting your sheep, When you've got a tick in your gut, When your garage is leaking, When you've missed the news, When you can't play mariachi, It's the trump card in your hand..." By the way, do you know that there are people (a few of them are here) who are able to analyze the humor of the Sklep Theatre with the same seriousness as the Sklep Theatre analyzed the Bible? For Hřmění divadla Sklep, this may be unintentional, but it's a great point.


Pan opice (2014) (filme amador) 

inglês Very stylish. Put this trailer in with the fake trailers of Robert Rodriguez and co. and you won't know the difference. What I like the most is that the filmmakers had the presence of mind not to get carried away and made a really "just" funny trailer, that's all they tried to do.


The Statement (2003) 

inglês A slow, distant and perhaps long film, but on the other hand not uninteresting for even a moment. Michael Caine plays a very interesting war criminal character, who alternately arouses sympathy and disgust, I also liked the energetic Tilda Swinton unraveling the untangleable.___P.S. If you have the DVD, try switching to dubbing occasionally. Michael Caine was (for once) voiced by Radoslav Brzobohatý and it's not bad at all.