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Alarm für Cobra 11 - Einsatz für Team 2 (2003) (série) Boo!

inglês Blow to the face for everyone who claimed that Semir is the worst thing that happened to television production. Perhaps Julia and Hendrik are more to your liking?


Vampire Hunter D (2000) 

inglês For those who have not yet had the pleasure with Dunpeal, take the best from Blade, Van Helsing, Dracula, and the Curse of the Brothers Grimm, throw it into an animated form and amplify it to the second power. Perhaps you will get a rough idea of ​​this animated gem. Expressing the deepest feelings in moments of life-threatening danger has never been so sincere.


O Grande Mestre dos Lutadores (1978) 

inglês Jackie can go all out, but in a bad movie. Embarrassing humor, trivial story, and everything that has ever bothered me about Asian action movies summed up in one film.


As Bailarinas (1974) 

inglês An independent narrative with great actors who play equally interesting characters. With each passing minute, the storytelling becomes more pleasant and captivating, but it is impossible to forget about the overall sexual unrestraint that starts to gnaw away after a while, whether you want to or not.


Hércules (1997) 

inglês A very fast-paced Disney movie that belongs to the group of those that can be inserted into a player anytime and enjoyed repeatedly. Unfortunately, it has one flaw - the muses. As I usually listen to singing in Walt's fairy tales with joy and I love Alan Menken beyond the grave, here the group of "commentators" spoiled an otherwise flawless adventure for me. On the other hand, the central song "Go the Distance" is one of the best Disney songs I have ever heard. And the rest is great too - Hades, his servants, Olympus, and the double finale.


O Planeta dos Macacos (2001) 

inglês No killing of the original is taking place. Wahlberg acts as the captain of the ship sympathetically, the tricks work throughout the entire duration, and even an interesting variation of the final twist pleases. It's just simply a "remake of Planet of the Apes" and that brings a slightly higher expectation.


A Princesa Mononoke (1997) 

inglês For me, the weakest epic of Hayao's magnificent filmography, yet still with a feeling of a complex work. As soon as San appears after an unusually unremarkable start, the story grabs hold and, with a few exceptions, doesn't let go until the impressive and visually stunning conclusion. Those exceptions are the episodes set in Iron Town, which try to fit a somewhat clumsy humor into Princess Mononoke, which this time around feels like a punch in the eye. Everything else, however, is a fairytale in the most positive sense of the word. Whenever San and Ashitaka are in the same frame, but especially when Miyazaki unleashes ideas from his rich treasure trove called imagination. Wolves, forest creatures, or even the Great Forest Spirit made me feel like I was watching a filmed poem.


La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog (1981) (série) 

inglês Heart affair. Despite its unmistakable naivety, a thrilling series with a charismatic main character, a beautiful princess, a likable servant, two incompetent pursuers, and a perfect villain, wonderfully dubbed by Václav Postránecký.


Aienji (2003) 

inglês All the beliefs, prejudices, or preferences that were associated with Asian cinema for me received a serious blow a few years ago. When Aienji ended before my eyes, the emotional impact gained an unimaginable strength, tears did not want to stop flowing, and I didn't speak for several hours. Some romances will remain in the soul forever. And even though this one may not be perfect, it will remain immortal precisely because of them and because of several heartwarmingly perfect scenes.


Hombre (1967) 

inglês Classic western combined with psychological drama? The wild-sounding combination is skillfully directed, but with a relatively longer duration and a slightly worn-out story of a tough hero who got involved in a situation he didn't want to and is now just trying to resolve the unpleasant situation. However, despite the minimal musical accompaniment that emphasizes the rawness and atmosphere of the film, and Newman enjoying his silent cowboy character until the very last glance, it is not enough. The plot is constructed somewhat unfortunate and unlike other famous genre companions, I don't see a reason to take this redemption journey again.