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Diário (5)


This is Vojta now with his acc Bordel 

Shacos good deal

Vojtas are happy now, but he dont know about am sad cuze i  cant play my favorite game Bordel.

But Shaco get money to buy some skins, this compensationg situation.

Vojta is now friend with Peter Adams and Progo Rogo, he fuck on Toxas couching hours and go to the big gym.

Shacos good deal


Vojta all times watching serials about little teenagerous wich are virgins.

Vojta is virgin but he mean about him self is Alpha or Beta, it doesnt matter, because its true.

Vojta is sexy without any musculuar this is Vojtas Special.

Vojta have many secret, which you dont know.

Vojta is POP collector, Vojta is Movie recenzer and Vojta is very gud gamer and king of the cobra

But Wojta dont know about toxas private live.

Toxas lie him self about his internet is still gut

In his soul is still a way about he is bad buy with bad self.

Can he chanced ? Yes he can but he need help from vojtas site

Vojta said "i dont help you"

Toxa said i can couch you how to be good crosfittman, vojta said okey

Now is Vojta sexy boy with crossfit muscular, he mean about he can go on fit with Bodybuilder Petr ADAMS and Grygar. 

But he still cant, cuze they laught at him about hes crosfittman. 

Vojta said okey i am crosffit but am sexy.



Meanwhile Vojta said okey, when i cant play video games.

I start with my school carrear

Mum and Fotr is happy and tell a half of VB about their good boy Vojta.

Meanwhile Vojta is totaly happy and need help with DU, stefe come help, to make friends again 

Vojta mean about his homeworks are currect, and sended to our teahcer Jitka 

Jitka received any letter from Vojta 

She mean about Vojta is lajdak and he doing brykule same like a fotr from Stefe.

Mr Jitka writes on shes web about vojta is bad boy, and Vojta still doenst know this, but his Fotra know 

Fotra jump over bed and run up to vojtas room.

Vojta play Lol with his friend and Fotr arrive behind him with řemen, he destroy him and get ban. Vojta is now save because his Fotr get ban for šikana.

Vojta is angry because he mean about hes send his homework to bad site

But problem isnt here, problem is about Toxa, because Toxa is secret spy and he deleting hes homework.


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Fairy taily has been destroyed for a long time ago.

Vojta meanwhile prdí to WC, and Fotr LOtr shuting down internetis

STefe come help, "vojta whats wrong with you, dont hate my net.

oh its not my internet is internet from my Fotr, he doing brykule.

Oh no Stefe knows about his internet isnt so good, he is angry but he know about Vojta have truth.


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