Os mais seguidos géneros / tipos / origens

  • Terror
  • Comédia
  • Ação
  • Drama
  • Ficção científica

Realizadores favoritos (10)

David Lynch

1. Lost Highway, 2. Mulholland Dr., 3. Blue Velvet, 4. The Straight Story, 5. Twin Peaks, a vlastně skoro vše co nakroutil.

John Carpenter

1. The Thing, 2. In the Mouth of Madness, 3. Prince of Darkness

Tobe Hooper

1. Lifeforce / Space Vampires, 2. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, 3. Poltergeist

Rob Zombie

1. The Devil's Rejects, 2. Halloween, 3. House of 1000 Corpses

Lloyd Kaufman

1. Terror Firmer, 2. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, 3. Tromeo and Juliet