Reem KhericiArgumento:
Reem KhericiCâmara:
Dominique FaussetMúsica:
Laurent AkninElenco:
Philippe Lacheau, Reem Kherici, Franck Dubosc, Victor Artus Solaro, Shawn Baichoo, Martin Dansky, Inès RegSinopses(1)
Um gato e um cão escapam das suas jaulas no aeroporto. Os seus donos terão de trabalhar em conjunto para os apanhar. (NOS Lusomundo Audiovisuais)
Vídeos (3)
Críticas (1)
I thought it was going to be a PG version of last year's Strays, but Cat & Dog – The Great Crossing lags on both the comedy and adventure levels, offering a rather bland concoction with humour that doesn't entertain much, neither children nor adults. The cat and the dog don’t look very good, but that could have been been ignored; the biggest stumbling block, however, is the wasted potential. Instead of, among other things, repeated butt-sniffing scenes, director/writer/star Reem Kherici could have offered sharper and/or comedic sequences. Better two stars! ()
Galeria (37)
Photo © Gaumont